Since last week, I'm trying to find some time again to spend on Music: Listening to what I know; Discovering new stuff around; Writing about it here at Steemit. It also let me to re-discover the tag #technofriday ...
Sure, you may know about the tags #techno #danceweekend #electronicmusic and for sure #music, but #technofriday was at some point know by the techno heads with @neutronenkind leading it. But since his silence a few months ago, the tag is much under used, to say the least.
Hopefully we can revive it?!
The tag is open to anything around techno, from own creations, to shares of your favourites, but also your stories about and around techno. And even the music genre is not too strict. Techno is by far preferred, but also other more underground-ish music styles are allowed. Don't forget the @danceweekend tag, maybe the oldest fan based music tag in our community.
BUT: #technofriday is what it is about in this post.

© Saphileaum (source)
So, last weekend I let my Soundcloud decide what to play after the set 'INVEINS Podcast 047' by natural/electronic.system. It presented me with a Boston based guy I'll keep to myself until this Friday. From that guy, Soundcloud brought me to this other guy from Georgia, another great set! Did I got myself some upgrade? Maybe the Neuralink guys put something into my brains to connect me up with Soundcloud? Not complaining at all: So Cool Soundcloud was only throwing good stuff at me! :)
Now, I tell you a little trick. The set below becomes sooooooo much better when connecting your laptop, or phone, up with a hifi set with some good speakers attached to it! Another tip: Have patience!
Artist: Saphileaum
Set: Sure Thing Mix 64
Year: 2018
Country: Georgia
source soundcloud
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