The Tashi Gomang Stupa - Crestone, Colorado
Although this is our home, every so often we must walk to appreciate the beauty of the magnificent spiritual traditions that surround us.

This particular day was my 34th birthday, and I wanted to walk up to the Stupa, perhaps the most peaceful place in the area.

This walk in the clouds was a little bit longer than we remembered.
Tibetan flags and prayerful objects were laid all along the sides of the path.

We saw a beautiful sunny storm on the valley floor.

Finally we glimpsed the Stupa through the trees.

We were all alone at the Stupa. No meditators today.

This is my favorite shot that we took. Breathtaking.

I am not a student of Buddhism, but I walk a spiritual path.
There is a great deal of wisdom in acceptance, peace and silence.

To learn more about Crestone, Colorado and the wonders it contains, follow me and my wife, @carrieallen

Now everyone go find something beautiful and share it with the world!