书海畅游——Powell ’s Books体验

Hi guys, I want to introduce a bookstore in our city today.

Going to a new city is an adventure. Going to a bookstore is an adventure + depth tour, especially to a bookstore worth visiting.

Powell ’s Books is this kind of bookstore. Powell's Books is a chain of bookstores in Portland, Oregon, which is the largest independent new and used bookstore in the world. Powell's was founded by Walter Powell in 1971. It is located in the Pearl District on the edge of downtown and occupies a full city block , about 1.6 acres of retail floor space. CNN rates it one of the ten "coolest" bookstores in the world. It has nine color-coded rooms and over 3,500 different sections. You can buy new, used, rare, or out-of-print books and you can also sell your books to this store.

Ok, follow me please, Let's take a look of this book store.


Powell ’s Books就是一个这样容纳了无数可能性的书籍海洋,每个进入的人都会迫不及待地神游四方,获取不一样的人生体验。这家书店是全美,也是全世界最大的独立私营书店,由Walter Powell创立于1971年,总店坐落在Portland市中心,书店整整占据了一个街区,营业面积达6300平方米。里面销售新书,二手书,打折书,绝版书,唱片等其它纪念品,小物件。

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All four corners have powell's sign, but they are all low-key. Good wine needs no bush.


When Borders, the second largest bookstore chain in the United States, filed for bankruptcy protection, I was shocked a bit. Will E-books replace the physical books in the future?

当年美国第二大连锁书店Borders申请破产保护后,曾让我小小震动了一下。难道在这个电子产品主宰一切的社会里,实体书真的不敌汹涌而来的电子书吗?anyway,Powell's Book还立在那里,永远留给我们一个可以无限温习的环境,一个机会。如果有一天,实体书真的彻底被电子书代替,这是该庆祝,还是该悲哀呢?


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There is a coffee shop. Always full of customs.


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Entrance is here. Remember to go to front desk to get a map first or you probably get lost in the store.

进门后,挂着的黑板上写了各类书的分区。小朋友的书在Rose Room。记得先去前台拿份书店地图,不然你很可能转不出来。

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进门后,挂着的黑板上写了各类书的分区。小朋友的书在Rose Room。记得先去前台拿份书店地图,不然你很可能转不出来。

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Today we are here to buy books for my sons. I just search the Rose room, which is the room for kids books.


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Books are arranged very well and you can easily find what you want. Many books will be affiliated with clerk recommendations. The blackboard will show us award-winning books.


还有chapter book区,魔幻故事区等等。很多书会贴上店员推荐,Many books will be affiliated with clerk recommendations.,总之,要找到你想要的书,在这么大一个漫无边际的书海里其实并不难。全部书籍都管理得仅仅有条,非常人性化。亲子阅读区,有桌子凳子,父母跟孩子一起阅读。

It is very interesting that one book you can find different versions here. For example, a fiction book, you can find new one, used one, hardcover one, regular one and or so with different prices. That's super cool!

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Look at this Greek Ionic column built by books! I found one of Chinese famous book--Tao Te Ching (《道德经》)

Powell‘s book里面的书非常全,同一个书,可能有高大上的版本,也可能有屌丝版本,还可能有二手版本,价格依次递减,大家可以根据需要选购。我常常会买二手书,价格好,其实保存得都不错,跟新的也差不多。俺家儿子每次都要高大上的,这次为了让他放弃高大上选个屌丝版的,俺嘴皮子都磨破了,后者差不多是前者的半价啊!


I like to visit book store and like physical books more than E-books, which can give me a lot of free reading experiences and more fun. If you travel in Portland don't forget this wonderful bookstore.

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