Global Warming at it's Best: Spring Arriving in Amsterdam

Just at the end of my Wednesday, the day before Valentines day, the day before Spring comes to my part of the world, Spring that should have been out and about until at least April... Global Warming? Certainly a hoax!...

...let me not bore you with facts or my personal opinions, but give you some super nice tech-house (at times a bit techno-ish) tunes recorded by DanceTrippin. The artist? Well, one which belongs to my absolute most favourite artists around in the electronic dance segment...

The event itself looks pretty pretty pretty nice! Check the video while listening and maybe even dancing; You'll see a bunch of darn happy people enjoying the party and everything a LOT!

Soooo much looking forward to this Spring and Summer, in the process of booking a number of multi day festivals as we speak, in Germany, Poland, and also in my own country The Netherlands. Three for sure by now; 13 days of music combined and all in about two months timeframe...

Now: Wobbling in my chair; Listening to the happy-ish tunes under the play button below;Writing this post... check minute 31:00 ... super track!


© WednesdayHouse (source)

Artist: Steve Rachmad
Set: Family Piknik
Year: 2015
Country: Netherlands

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