Introduce yourself.... again! (cuz you have way more followers now LOL)

Remember your Introduce Yourself post?

When you peeeeeked out from behind your little security blanket to say HI to the Steemit world - and you introduced yourself to your 13 followers? Awwwww. lol precious!

Well now you get a chance to do it again!!!!! And even though you have wayyyyyyyy more followers - only 13 will actually read it. tee hee hee. So we've come full circle.


I do like these challenges... cuz they're fun to get to know Steemians better! @hobotang created this one at the latest Tennessee meetup and I loved @enginewitty's 12 QUESTIONS POST! hehehe read it if you want a chuckle! Please don't expect a chuckle from mine. I can't handle the pressure right now. lol ok heeeeeeeeeere we go!

1. What 3 meals would you have before heading to the International Space Station?

ummmmmmmm. hmmmmm. i really like pizza. like - a lot. i could eat it all the time so that would be one of my meals. breakfast, lunch, dinner. doesn't matter. i like pizza. but it has to have gluten. Probably Alfredo's pizza from Scranton, PA. then one of the meals..... hmmmmm oh man. those Chinese dumplings with the broth inside. Xiao Long Pao??? and some of that pickled cabbage and pork soup with homemade noodles from The Dumpling Inn in San Diego. (extra gluten yaaaaasssss) BOMB!!!! and for dinner. POMEGRANATE RESTAURANT IN SAN DIEGO!!!! BOOM. those amazing Georgian dumplings with the meat, and dill and sour cream.... mmmmm. and their chicken tobaka? its like heaven. and Honey cake for dessert (you just have no idea. none. its like 12 layers of wafer thin cake with cream in the middle gahhhhhh!) and tea with black currant syrup. mmmmmmmmmm i'm hungry. so.... i guess really what i'm saying is - i want three servings of extra gluten. please. and thank you. 😋

2. What section of the newspaper would you be?

The section with glitter. Is there a section with glitter???? I don't know. I don't read the paper. But every time they call and offer me a free trial subscription, I give them my friends' names. Cuz i'm a giver. 😜

3. If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?

I don't care about my age. As long I keep this smokin' hot body that my husband keeps telling me I have. (oh yeah. and his glasses. 👓 let's not forget his very, very strong prescription glasses)

4. What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?

Olympic giggling. They would have to create a platinum medal for me.

5. If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?

Why just back in time???? I wanna go FORWARD in time and live when you can put a pill in the microwave and make a lobster dinner. and can i travel with my mind too? and edible garbage. Michael Keaton says it's gonna be huge. He's an idea man.

6. If time and money were no barrier what would you create?

Duh. Time machine.

7. Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?

39 days ago, I created my ultimate bucket list on the last challenge (aptly named - The Ultimate Bucket List) - so. no.

8. What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?

The edge of the universe.

9. Are you a good witch or bad witch?

A good witch would tell the truth and say she was a good witch. A bad witch would lie and say she was a good witch.

I'm a good witch.

10. If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?

I would partner up each person with someone with a disability. Their score at the end of the year would be the same as what the disabled person achieved. Not all would learn, but the hope would be to provide the opportunity to grow in compassion, patience, gentleness, care, concern, helpfulness, and love. It's certainly just SOME of the things in which I've grown through our child with a disability.

11. Which band / artist – dead or alive would play at your funeral?

Andrea Bocelli

12. What book or movie have you read/seen recently you would recommend and why?

Fireflies. 😏 (don't start reading there. don't peek at ANYTHING. scroll down as fast as you can to the list of chapters and click on chapter 1. Tell them @dreemsteem sent ya. No seriously, she gives me chicken wings every time she gets a new Sweet Subscriber. Please get me my chicken wings.)

When you do yours... don't forget to use the #twelvequestions tag 🤪

so..... 🦉 who who who shall me tags? me tags:

@creatr. I Steem because of you. 😉

the other two amigas. cuz me loves ya 👁 ❤️ 👉 2️⃣ @andysantics48 and @monchhichi23

@scuzzy - cuz you will never do it. cuz you like to make me angry like the Hulk.

the manta rays. cuzzzzzz you will make me giggle @calumam and @penderis

my bad joke buddies @c0ff33a and @bengy - please do not disappoint me!!!!

You found my secret pirate getaway @zen-art. Now you must pay the consquences ☠️

the King of Puns @bluefinstudios

my @tamala girl.... because... because my mind is twisted and you found me out and now you must suffer hehehehehe

Two New Kids on #thealliance playground - @insideoutlet and @eaglespirit - hehehehe WELCOME! 😍

I can think of so many more people that I want to tag!!!! but I won't. lol you can ALL breathe a collective sigh of relief now, people... the tributes have been volunteered. lol

NOT! HAHAHAHA @wolv did you think you would escape?!?!?!?!?! nevaaaaaaaaa!

Image source Shy Guy

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