12 Questions to Get to Know @reonlouw

My Steemian friend @joetunex challenged me to do this reintroduction. You can find his post here:

12 Questions to Get to Know @joetunex

12 Questions

1. What three meals would you have before heading to the International Space Station?

  1. Ribeye steak and chips


  2. Lamb chops


  3. Creme brulee


2. What section of the newspaper would you be?

I do not understand the Finance section at all. On the rare occasions that I struggle to fall asleep, I read this part of the paper and I fall asleep in no time. Thus I'll choose this part as the gift of sleep is a beautiful gift to give!

3. If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop ageing at and why?

Eighteen! I fondly remember what it was like to know everything and have an easy solution to every problem. It seems that I have lost knowledge, wisdom and answers every year since then.

4. What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?

100m sprint. I have never done anything fast in my life, except for falling, where gravity does all the work. But I'm as likely to compete in any other sport as I am to compete against Usain Bolt. I just think the 100m sprint is the ultimate Olympic event.

5. If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?

I've always wanted to be an American cowboy. You get to

  • never bathe but the girls still swoon over you
  • solve all your problems with fists and guns
  • speak the greatest one-liners

6. If time and money were no barrier what would you create?

A huge whale account on Steemit with which to make all of you guys rich beyond your wildest imagination. (Yeah, I know it doesn't work that way, but what would you do?)

7. Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?

I must admit, I do not have a bucket list. The things I'm doing right now consumes me to such an extent that I would be highly satisfied and grateful if I could keep on doing them for the rest of my life.

8. What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?

Time travel. I love science fiction and all the scenarios that people create with time travel but I do not think it is possible. If I was to run into my future-self who travelled back in time to warn me about some disaster, I would be flabbergasted. However, I mostly stay away from New York so this is unlikely to happen, even if it was possible.

9. Are you a good witch or bad witch?

Technically, I would be a warlock. If I was going to be a witch, I would be the best bad one ever. There is no such thing as a good witch...

10. If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?

Communication. My wife is the expert in this field and she is days away from completing a PhD in this field. However, if I had one chance to teach something it would be on communication. The whole world would be a better place if we communicated better. The whole world needs to hear the Good News regarding the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and the whole earth would if we communicated more effectively.

11. Which band/artist – dead or alive would play at your funeral?

Keith Green. My wife dislikes his music but I love his message. Keith passed away many years ago in the prime of his life. His wake-up call to the church should not be ignored, ever.
The current artist I would choose is @koevert who sounds a little like Bruce Springsteen but brings an emotion and a depth to his own music that The Boss can only aspire to.


12. What book, movie read/seen recently you would recommend and why?

The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. This book is second only to the Bible in terms of how many copies sold and into how many languages it has been translated. You are going to read it. The only question is when.

Can I challenge you to answer these 12 questions in a post of your own? I would love to read it. Tag me or drop the link in a comment here and I'll visit.


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