FREESTYLE UKIAH CHALLENGE #4 + Winners Announcement for Challenge #3

I apologize that this post has taken so long to write. Some life issues had to be addressed and I haven't had the time to be as involved in the community as I would have liked. This challenge will be running till Thursday March 1st. Thank you for understanding.


Freestyle UKIAH is a variation of traditional Haiku. The notable difference being that the original Haiku uses a set syllable count (5-7-5) while this challenge changes the syllable counts from week to week while still staying with the Haiku form of lines 1 and 3 being the same and line 2 being different. Our rules, our challenge, our expression.

The Freestyle Ukiah challenge is simple. I will choose the syllable count and a broad subject for the Ukiah. You write a poem that follows those rules. Like I said - SIMPLE. The winner of this challenge will receive the UKIAH MASTER trophy.


Prompts for this Challenge:
9-8-9 syllable count

Your Ukiah must follow the prompts for this challenge.
Create a post using the tag #ukiahhaiku and link your post here.
Deadline will be next Thursday at midnight EST.
NEW! You may include in your post a color
choice for your trophy if you should win!

Let's see what you got and Good Luck!!


Winner of Challenge #3

Scare the sky with knights in black;
Splay their hate o'er the soft swathe of blue calm;
Soon, the sky will cry her fear..

At first I thought of dusk when reading this.
Then I envisioned a thunderstorm. I love that
this was open to separate interpretations.

DOWNLOAD @divineinyang

At post payout for this post I will remove this image from my imgur page and the trophy will become the sole property of @divineinyang to use as he sees fit. Congratulations on the win!!
I you would like to use this trophy on any of your future posts and are having trouble I have written a post detailing how to do it HERE.


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