Making Red Roses the Audiobook 10

Red Roses - Cover 01.jpeg
Did a kitchen remodel for Mother’s Day, yesterday. A little tired this morning. Did some editing on the audiobook Red Roses, and finished this blog.

One of the biggest things for me to remember while mixing in music and sound on this audiobook has been to not overproduce. It would be so easy to get carried away with doors opening and closing, the sound of footsteps in the mud, and on and on.

Only, like Ray Manzarek talks about in the Introduction of my other audiobook Lost Angel, it’s psychedelic radio theatre. Got to be in the right mind. Then the music and sound accent the story instead of taking center stage.


Chapter heading with the next progression in music. Carriage ride, only with an abrupt stop sound from a horse whinny. It will alert the listener so they know the carriage ride has ended.

Decided to use it here and in The Last Chapter instead of mud noises. Although Pond5 has an excellent selection of sound to choice from, the sound of mud, sounds like, well, the sound of mud. Not really what I’m looking for sound wise. Yet mud plays a huge role in our story. After all, the legend of Richard III has his horse getting bogged down in mud during The Battle of Bosworth Field.

By using a horse whinny, I can still connect these two events through sound as an added layer in an audiobook production. It also gives us more of a connection to these important moments because people care for horses, while mud remains an inanimate object.

Going to keep the use of silence as a means to allow the listener to hear important developments in the plot. Besides, really enjoy the Coachman’s lines in this section. He’s the most poetic speaker. And Kira does a great job of going cockney accent to show his lower social position.

At the end of the chapter, the Priest and The Lady of Berwickshire must enter the Dark Forest. So for the first time in the production we get some suspenseful music from Rike Luxx’s song 2018. This will carry into the next chapter, when they are actually walking through the Dark Forest and encounter danger.

And done. It’s almost comedy when the carriage stops with the horse whiney as the carriage ride has been defined in build up over the last couple of chapters. In your subconscious the carriage is almost flung into the air. So subtle though. It makes you laugh later.

Chapter 04, and Chapter 05, are meant to debunk Richard III myths, so when we meet him he becomes a regal King in his first impression.


Chapter heading with the next progression in music. Then 2018 suspenseful music fade in. Stop when the Priest and the Lady of Berwickshire encounter danger. Let the narration carry this action section. Fade back in with 2018 as they leave the Dark Forest. Fade to carriage noise. Stop. Narration between the Priest and the Coachman. Then carriage noise to end the chapter.

And done. Turned out pretty good. Used the carriage noise a little more than usual to end the chapter, because this will be the last use of the carriage noise in the story.


Chapter heading with the next progression in music. Then narration.

Also, made two more music tracks from Last King. The first contains all music progressions compiled in one clip for use when the Priest meets Richard III.

The second, I’m going to call the Dogs of War beat in the Last King song. This ends Chapter 05, and the 15 minute sample for the Atlanta Fringe Festival. Richard III delivering the first of many rousing speeches.

Will only use the Dogs of War again for The Last Chapter heading. It will be one of three instances. A hidden three. Can you find all three times?

And done. Without the carriage ride noise, the start of the chapter with just narration really sets the listener in a new environment. So subtle, yet it’s the removal of an organic noise that creates the sterile feel of the House of York. Great ending with the Dogs of War.


Using question marks on this chapter title because it will not be the same number when the audiobook has been completed. For purposes of sending a complete 15 minute story to the Atlanta Fringe Festival, I’m mixing the Closing now. So for this edition it will be File 08. Yet when the project has been completed it will be File 22, I believe.

So the narration just gives the end credits. With music from Rike Luxx 2018 running through it and a little extra at the end.

And done. Think this 15 minute prerelease audiobook sample of Red Roses has the potential to “WOW” people at the Atlanta Fringe Festival. Been to Atlanta once. Remember flying in and seeing lots of trees. They had a smoking section of enclosed glass, inside the terminal. Amazing. And then we caught the flight to Des Moines, Iowa.

Now going to post this on Steemit.

Thank you,

Cyrus Emerson

Red Roses ebook available on Amazon:

Red Roses narrated by Kira Omans
Red Roses Dress.jpg

Red Roses music by Rike Luxx

Red Roses Sound by Pond5

All copyrighted material on this page licensed for Steemit release.

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