WATER!! What do we know about it?

Hello Steemians!! Hope everything is fine at your end! Welcome to my blog on "WATER". I am sharing some of my thoughts and some interesting facts about it…

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The Chief among elements

The whole universe is a play of 5 elements. Earth, Fire, Air, Water and Space. There are numerous Stars and Planets in this universe which are in different proportions of these 5 elements. But there is no planet like Earth which supports life. Though there are multiple reasons for our planet to be the only one to support and sustain life, it is mainly so due to the presence of water. Earth is about 71% water and the rest is land. Of the habitable land mass, it is observed that life flourishes only close to sources of fresh water, be it ponds, lakes or rivers.

Special Property of Water

If you read through Wikipedia or any other reliable source, it will give you a lot of information about the chemical composition of water, its availability in 3 states of matter viz,. solid(ice and glaciers), liquid(free form water) and gaseous (air), how much fresh water is available on land, it is a universal solvent etc. But there is one important property of water that is not discussed much. Its Memory.

Water has MEMORY

Water can retain huge amounts of information. Once a water droplet from rain touches the ground, it starts gathering information and retains information about everything it comes in contact with through its journey through the mountains and rivulets till it finally reaches the sea/ocean. Water from springs and rivers, mostly from the pristine upstream, retain so much natural energy that it recharges your system after consumption.

Memory contamination

In the past, people used to draw water directly from the rivers or the nearby water bodies. But with the expanding human habitation, it is not feasible for the entire populace to live next to water sources. Huge metropolis are situated away from water sources and water is brought there through a network of pipes and tubes. When water is subjected to so many twists and turns, it breaks its natural molecular structure and distorts its natural form. This can be called its memory contamination. Such water is not advisable to be consumed directly. It will lead to health issues. It is advisable to store such water in a container and let it be for 4 to 5 hours. This helps it undo the molecular distortion get back to its original structure.

Water treatment

We drink about 2 liters of fluids which includes water, Tea, Coffee etc,. Also while we take bath, our skin absorbs water. The water we drink and bath with have to be from good sources as they affect our health directly. Traditionally, Copper pitchers have been used in the Indian subcontinent to store water. Copper has antimicrobial properties. Water stored copper pitchers for a couple of hours balances the 3 different factors of Kapha, Vaata and Pitta as per Ayurveda. Please refer this article for more information on the Ayurvedic benefits of "Tamra Jal" (water from copper vessel).

Water reacts to Sounds and Thoughts

Water when exposed to sounds and vibrations, reacts to it by arranging its molecular structure in a specific way. You might have seen scores of videos on you tube where you get to see how water reacts to electronic music, bass sound on speakers etc. But interestingly, your speech and words have a profound impact on water as well. If you utter words like love and gratitude water arranges its molecular structure which show brilliant patterns. The work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist has revealed a lot more about the nature of water. If you want to checkout his work and experiments on water, please visit this site. According to doctor Masaru's experiments, water exposed to loving words show brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns, while water from polluted sources or water exposed to negative thoughts forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.

Our body is made up of about 71% Water. Human blood has far more complex structures and molecular arrangements than water. Our words, speech, thoughts, emotions and actions definitely impact our blood and in turn our health. How we conduct ourselves and react to situations will decide our quality of health and life.

Note: I am avoiding use of any images from his experiments to avoid copyright infringement.

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