#WhatsCookingChallenge: Cabbage Soup with Sausage Meatballs

Cabbage Soup with Sausage Meatballs


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What you hate cabbage! Give this soup a try you might just like it! And if you do like cabbage you’ll love this one. This is another one of my originals that I’ve adjusted over the years. It’s pretty easy. You know I like easy! It has plenty of bacon to give it that extra flavor and mini sausage meatballs to give it that extra heartiness. This recipe will make enough for 6 - 8 large soup bowls. Leftovers freeze well.

This is my entry for #whatscookingchallenge by @jaynie.

Here’s the challenge:

NB: The #whatscookingchallenge is an ONGOING challenge, so you can enter WHENEVER you want and as OFTEN as you want!
1: Use the #whatscookingchallenge tag and tag me @jaynie in your post.
2: Create and publish a post showcasing something that
you have prepared in your kitchen which is either
a) uniquely yours, or b) has been adapted and made your own.
(The more elaborate the post the better, naturally...)
PS. This is NOT limited to "plates of food" - it can be preserves, snacks, anything!
3: Accompany the post with at least 2 photos of whatever it is that you have prepared.
(and in the spirit of avoiding plagiarism, a photo of YOU WITH your dish would be a plus, but is not a requirement)
4: Tag at least 5 (but not limited to) of your foodie friends
that you think would like to participate...


1/2 lb bacon
1 cup water
1 medium onion
1 lb ground Italian sausage
4-5 red potatoes
48 oz chicken broth
1 head cabbage
28 can crushed tomatoes
Salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste
Shredded cheese




Slice the bacon into 1/2" slices. I usually use my kitchen shears for this. It's much easier!


Add the bacon and one cup water to a large stock pot and cook over medium heat. Stirring occasionally. The water helps bring out the bacon flavor while not burning the bacon and having stick to the bottom of the pan.


While the bacon is cooking, dice the onions then add them to the pot. Continue cooking until most, but not all of the water has cooked off.


Meanwhile roll small bits of the sausage into tiny balls. Make them about 2 fingers in diameter. There's no need to be too precise. Just have fun with it!

That's about 2 fingers!

This is what mine looked like.

The bacon and onions should be about ready. Add the meatballs to the pot and stir occasionally.


While the meatballs are browning, dice the potatoes into 1/2" pieces. I chose red potatoes for this because there is no need to peel them. Much easier!


The meatballs look brown enough!


Stir in the potatoes


Add the chicken stock and seasonings and bring to a slow simmer for 20 minutes.


Now is a perfect time to enjoy a glass of wine!


Shred the cabbage. I usually just cut the head into quarters and cut thin slices from there.


Add the cabbage and can of tomatoes to the pot and simmer for another 30 minutes. Stir occasionally.


Plate it up, sprinkle on some shredded cheese and enjoy!


to participate this time are:

All photos and text in my posts are my original work.

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