It's been a heady couple of weeks, but I am back in business, finally!
What a couple of weeks it's been! As many of you may have noticed (or maybe not), the witness game has entered a new phase. Those 32Gb servers I had? Well, Steem has grown larger than even those servers could handle. I was hoping to hold out to the end of the month--something that, by now, I shouldn't even hope for lol--but I ended up hitting my memory limit. So I went ahead and paid for a brand-new server:
- 64 GB
- Intel i7
- 2x240GB SSD
- 1gbit/s network
As of right now, the Steem blockchain requires a minimum of 32Gb to run on a Linux server. This is incredible, as when I started running a witness less than a year ago, it hadn't even hit 16Gb, and it had taken nearly two years to get to that point. I especially want to thank @someguy123 and Privex.io; not only did they respond to my email about taking down my two 32Gb servers last night promptly, but they credited me back what I'd just paid a few days ago to renew my primary server! Seriously, these guys are the best. I may eventually have to tap out because I can't afford server hosting anymore, but until that day comes, I'm sticking with Privex for any server need I have.
Unfortunately, I ended up encountering some issues trying to set up my witness node. These were all self-imposed problems, of course, but they caused me to miss some blocks. I also had issues trying to get steemfeed-js to publish a price feed. Thankfully, though, I got my node back up and running after another replay, and @yabapamatt has a fantastic new price feed mechanism that worked like a charm in less than five minutes. Bottom line: I'm back in the game!
My next order of business is transitioning @romaniaball from a bot hosted by @guiltyparties to one that I'm hosting myself. I just want to thank him right now for his excellent work, his attention to detail, and his availability in making that happen. If you're not following him already, do that right now. I'm going to be using a more basic bot structure that doesn't post reply comments (as I've received a couple of comments asking whether it was "bad" that I was doing that on every post), and, rather than voting from the following list, it's going to vote on tags. Hopefully that will promote the @steemromania tag a little bit, which is going to be good for our community as well.
That's it for me! I'm still going strong, and I'm still in it for the long haul. We'll see when I get to post about upgrading to a 128Gb server!
If you want to vote for me as a witness, cast your vote here! Scroll down until you see this text box and type in my name.