This is my first Witness Update.
Almost two weeks since my Witness Server produced its first block.
No blocks missed to date.
Price feeds are regular.
Server is up and running without any issues.
Server specs are:
64x GB RAM
Xeon E3
2x4 TB HDD
1gbit/s network
Dedicated Server
All paid for in advance for the next twelve months, so you don't have to worry about it "turning red" as a "dead witness".

Democracy or Not?
One of the topics I would like to address in this witness update is the number of dead users who obviously had cast their Witness votes out prior to abandoning Steemit.

When I say "dead" I don't literally mean dead, however to best express their activities on Steemit and their contribution to Proof of Brain, which has been "Nothing" for months on end, there is no better word to use than "Dead".
From what I've managed to see, these votes seem to be all accounted for in the ranking system for Witnesses. Unfortunately I have not found any firm evidence from what The Dev Team has made public to prove otherwise. If this is the case, then my concern is that in the long run these votes could affect the overall democratic system here in a very unfair and negative manner.
There is not a sound democracy in this world that lets dead people vote.
Based on the above:
So why is it then that dead user votes are accounted for in the democratic system of Witness rankings?
Before than someone dares say that this is something that can't be calculated or determined, I shall prevent any such thing from happening.
We already have a service that is known to many as "Dead Followers", whereby user accounts that are inactive for a longer period of time, accounts that do not contribute to the Proof of Brain foundation here in any which way and as such are useless as per The Whitepaper, are listed as "Dead" and are calculated in a matter of seconds.
Hence the possibility to determine the number of votes from "Dead" users exists.
For example, Busy.org uses this for its upvoting bot. It uses this information in its algorithm to determine voting weight (%) every second of the day!
I am sure that I need not go any further with this topic and would love to see evidence that votes from dead users who contribute absolutely nothing to Steem and Steemit in the essence of Proof of Brain and as such can only be classified as "Dead" (definitely "Brain dead") are not accounted for in the democratic process of ranking Witnesses.
If this is covered in the algorithms used for the democratic process then it would be appreciated that this be transparently and publicly shown by our Dev Team. Basically made open to the public rather than filed away or ignored.
For the good of all Steemians and future Steemians who wish to know that the Witness Ranking system is fair and just, in accordance with democratic values and practices.
Note: The Dev Team are the only persons who can answer this topic. We the Witnesses may have opinions that could affect our answers, as we are the ones who are directly affected. The Development Team are the ones who should be impartial to all such issues and solely looking at the future of our blockchain.
I firmly believe this topic, no matter what the situation may or may not currently be, is one that needs to be addressed publicly. Let the truth be known.
As it is has been mentioned many a time that "Steemians need to update votes so as not to include Dead Witness Servers", it is only fair and equal to expect that the same principles and values be applied to Witness votes from Dead users.
I sincerely hope that this shall be addressed in a positive manner with only the best interests of all active Steemians who are contributing to our blockchain and to our Proof of Brain concept.

For those reading this Witness Report and who have not read my Witness Intro post, here is the link:
New Witness Announcement! Greetings from @jackmiller
If you would like to vote for me, there are two options,
The first of which is:
Just click on the above image and it shall take you directly there.
and the second option is to click on my signature block below and vote via Steemconnect.
Thanks for your time.
Yours sincerely @jackmiller.