The time to introduce myself as witness has arrived @yanosh01

Hi everyone,
my name is Ivano and I was born in Italy-Rome.
My STEEM username @yanosh01 was born from the idea of a cartoon that in my country is called "ASTROROBOT". Yanosh is exactly one of the four robots on this TV cartoon series.


@yanosh01 lives in Italy and works as a System Engineer to support Big Companies on IT Security and infrastructure. However my experience does not reside only on the systems, because i have good knowledge of programming and scripting.

Why did I choose to become a witness?

For a long time i have supported my Italian community with posts about Cryptos, Guides, Interiews, translations and repositories.


What i have done exactly and what i want to do in the future?


1- Computer Technology

  • I explained how it's possibile to reset root linux password when GRUB is password protected
  • I explained how it's possibile to install Ubuntu on a Virtual Enviroment
  • I explained how to schedule backup files on linux
  • I explained how to Create Named Instance on an existing SQL installation
  • I explained some Microsoft Windows Tips and Trics
  • I explained how to protect your network with web protection
  • I explained how to protect your pc by Meltdown and Spectre
  • I explained how to Move Symantec Endpoint Protection Clients to a new console
  • I explained how to create a Windows Slipstream cd/usb - Pre Enviroment Execution

2- Steem Blockchian, Steemit and Cryptos

  • I explained how to mine with CPU and to make some profit
  • I exlpained Nicehash Cloud Mining
  • I explained what is SteemFollower
  • I explained how to transfer altcoin in "real money"
  • I explained how to make some SQL queries to steem blockchain
  • I explained how to mine with HDD
  • I explained some crypto analysis
  • I explained how to backup your google authenticator 2fa
  • i spoke about tether
  • I spoke about Steem blockchain alternatives
  • I explained where to save your steemit password on windows
  • I spoke about some ICOs
  • I explained how to buy a VM with STEEM
  • i spoke about the new e-commerce based on STEEM
  • I spoke about STEEM on Binance
  • I explained how "Steemit More info" works

3- Translations

  • I translated and explained in my native language what is a Witness
  • I translated and explained in my native language what are the Bid BOTs
  • I translated and explained in my native language what is SteemSQL

4- System Engineer

  • I have done a series of articles to explain how to become a System Engineer

5- Witnesses Interviews

  • I made different interviews to steem witnesses

6- Blog inside Blog

  • I created an external Italian Repository for Steem


This are my main goals:

1- Create a series of interiew to witnesses
2- Create a series of guides about my job
3- Create an English STEEM repository with all most important posts

1- Create a series of interiew to witnesses

I'm creating a series of interview to witnesses. What i want to do is to give to other users what's the sense to be a witness, with witnesses help.
This are my first interviews:
Interview 1
Interview 2
my goal is to interview all witnesses...

2- Create a series of guides about my job

I want to explain and to transfer the knowledge I have about my work, creating a series of technical posts.

3- Create an English STEEM repository


I believe that the biggest problem on steem is connected to the fact that often the posts end up in oblivion.
What I want to do is create a repository where all the most important posts written by steem users will be preserved.

I have already created, some times ago, a Wordpress site for the Italian Community.
You can see it at this link:

And i created the same site for GLOBAL STEEM users (with english posts) that will replace the old Italian site.
This is the new address i made. It's empty because was just created:

My Witness Hardware:

O.S.: LINUX Server 16.04 TLS
Ram: 32GB
Processor: Xeon E3
Hdd: 2x240SSD
hosted on: PRIVEX

If you think what I'm doing is something you like, please UPVOTE ME AS WITNESS


Best Regards @yanosh01


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