ValorForFreedoms Witness Declaration
This is my official witness declaration. This is also a call to all my supporters, friends and my brothers of the Berserkers tribe to vote for me (just takes 5 seconds). This is the time to show me that you hold your word and give me your vote.
This is what Steemit witnesses do: They process blockchain data blocks on their servers and ensure their integrity. The blocks that are processed on their servers contain important data for posts and transactions that Steemit & other sites can interact with. They also add additional security to the network and establish changes to Steem, for example, things like setting the SBD interest rates, account creation fees and setting price feeds.
Every Steemit user has 30 votes that they can give to witnesses and not more, however, they can also "unvote" witnesses for example when they are inactive or add no value to the community.
To vote for me as a witness simply go to, it only takes 5 seconds to give me your vote.
These are the guides that I used to learn more about Witnessing:
@Someguy123 simple as fuck guide to install a Steem witness server
@Krnel guide to secure your servers
@JerryBanfields guide to get votes
@JerryBanfields Witness basic training
Shoutout to: @Humanearl & @Jatinhota & @quochuy that helped me in the process of becoming a witness!
Shoutout to my friends & best supporters: @Booster916, @Hopehuggs, @Teutonium, @Humanearl, @zakludick, @flauwy, @jist, @nainaztengra, @callmefib3r, @Heimindanger, @peggyhazelwood and @dnews. I love you all.
Why I Have Decided to Become a Witness
1. I have decided to become a witness because Steemit is my workplace and it is very important to me to secure that "job", that is why I want to further support it by becoming a witness.
2. I want to reward exceptional authors as they are drowning here in the masses as it has become very hard to stand out here on Steemit.
3. I want to SEO and mobile optimize SteemSchool so that people have easier access to all guides (that costs a lot of money).
4. I simply want to become the #1 witness, I am a very competitive person and I need challenges. Being average ain't how I roll.
Why You Should Vote For Me
1. I have written 2 posts per day for over 5 months now.
2. I have created
3. I write a Steemit tutorial every day.
4. I answer all comments & replies and I am very active on Discord.
5. I haven't worked in a 9-5 for 2 years now.
6. I practice self-improvement on a daily basis and I share what I learn in every post.
7. I have a ton of discipline & willpower.
8. I learn more about Steemit every day and share that.
9. I Inspire people to create a better life for themselves.
10. I work and participate in the community every day.
Why I Believe in Steemit
1. The community itself promotes Steemit with word of mouth and offline & online ads.
2. To make money on Steemit is 10x easier than on your own website (Bloggers will come here).
3. I was able to quit my translation business thanks to Steemit (without investing into Steemit!).
4. You get paid to post and comment (and you will get more the longer you do it).
My Server Specifications
Witness Server
Intel i7
64GB Ram
2x240 GB SSD
1GBit/s network
Germany Dedicated Server
I Take Steemit Very Serious
As a witness, I see it as my duty to improve and promote Steemit. Besides that, I also see it as my duty to keep adding more and more value to the community and being active in it.
You guys know that I do what I say. I live my life with discipline and with passion, to live is to struggle. I will be in the top 20 witnesses soon. If you read this and want to help me to get there then please vote for me as a witness to show that you support me.
Vote for @ValorForFreedom
Just click on this link to vote for me in 5 seconds:
Or just click on the upvote button if I am in the top 50.
Thank you for support! You can contact me in the comments, on Discord, in the Steemit chat (in the Witness & Witness Social chat) and via E-Mail!
Contact me on the SteemSchool Discord server:
Write me an E-Mail: [email protected]
Vote to Increase my Witness Rank: Witness Vote
Get More & Higher Upvotes: Steemfollower
SteemSchool Website: Website
SteemSchool Discord Community: Discord