Six-word Story Contest. SBD prizes.

This is the six-word story contest. You can write about any subject you want. No restrictions... well, there's a word restriction obviously :P
looking back i see what mattered.JPG


Winner – 1/3 of the SBD gained from this post.
2nd and 3rd place– 1/6 each of the SBD gained from this post.

'Hey! What about the other 1/3?' I hear you say. Well, I'm promoting this with my own £££ so I think that's reasonable ;P


  • Upvote this post
  • Write a story in six words
  • Include a copyright-free image
  • Post your story/image in the comments below

Winners will be announced in 7 days

I had the idea to start this contest after reading @iamthegray's thoughts on opening contests, failing, and trying again. You can read his piece here. Thanks Gray.

It would be really helpful if you could resteem this out to your friends but there's no pressure.

Thanks. And good luck!
Anj :)



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