How to find your voice on steem

We see a lot of new people coming on Steem each day and great posts showing up. How can you find your voice in this growing community? How can you avoid drowning your post in all the great information? Here are 6 tips to make your next post shine a little brighter.

1. Find your motivation to write

You need a motivation besides making money and getting attention. If you love creating, it will show through in your work. Make writing a pleasure by creating your perfect workspace. Do you like writing on paper? then take your notebook and camera with you wherever you go, you might find inspiration in the strangest places. Maybe go to your favorite coffee house, library or find a nice bench in a park?

2. Make your weakness your greatest strength

Be honest. Writing about your struggles and failings in life is healing yourself at the same time as you're being an inspiration to others. Sharing your least proud moments, makes people feel like they can relate to you on a deeper level. The best post I have read on steem have been the most honest ones. Check out StellaBelles posts for more inspiration.

3. How do you feel before posting?

If you're nervous, afraid or worried that's a good sign. It means you'r being vulnerable. What you're ashamed of usually makes a good story. If it hurts a little to post, then you know that you're on to something good. So try writing something dangerous, remember that fear can be good, it means your writing is important to you, and probably important to others as well.

4. Free writing.

To get your creativity started, find pen and paper and just write down any words that come to mind. Don't judge anything, just allow all kinds of craziness and crap to fill the paper. This exercise opens up your mind to new ideas and connects you to your creative source. Think of yourself as the open, available vessel for a higher creative power to express itself through you.

5. Write the posts you want to read

Is there something your missing on steem? what kinds of posts do you want to see more of? If you find yourself longing to read something in particular then you are being called to start writing yourself.

6. Use your skills

Is there something you're good at? it can be anything; cooking, drawing, carpentry, fixing washing machines, table decorations, photography, folding clothes or maybe making a travel journal? You never know what people might find helpful, fun, informative or inspirational. Try to come up with any kind of post that can be useful to others. Maybe most of these tips are obvious to you but you simply do not like to write? Do not despair. If you're a good communicator you can make movies instead, or take pictures, or make art. There are many ways to express yourself, writing is just one of many options.

And by the way, do not be afraid to fail! those who succeed are those who are most willing to fail over and over again. Your failures are your stepping stones to greatness.

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