The Comeback || 2

Welcome to my blog today. This is the continuation of the short story 'The Comeback'.
You can read the initial story from here!

When Roy woke up from his slumber, he vividly remembered what transpired the previous day.

"Ah! You are up, sleeping beauty", Matt teased Roy.

"Don't mind me. You know I am not used to drinking, that is why I always turned you down each time you asked me to ball out with you guys", Roy said. "But I loved the alcohol made me feel yesterday. It's a feeling I've never experienced before", Roy added.

"Wait till you take the 'special' marijuana we take. Beer is nothing compared to it", Tom who was sitting in front of his laptop chipped in.

"I don't know if I can take marijuana", Roy said.

"Don't worry. You will love it", Matt said.

"Are you a Computer student?", Roy asked, directing his gaze to Tom.


"No, I am just tidying sequence", Tom said, laughing.

"What do you mean by that?', Roy asked, looking a bit confused.

"You have a lot to learn o, my guy. Plainly put, we are a corporate body that specialize in retrieving money from people into our bank accounts", Tom said.

"Just like the bartar trade?", Roy asked.

"No, in this case, we only receive without giving", Tom said.

"So, what does the donor gain in giving you", Roy asked.

"That is where it gets interesting. They don't get anything", Matt said, laughing.

"You mean you are 'yahoo' boys?", Roy questioned further. "I should be leaving", he said standing up and picking his things.

"If you want to be respected in this campus, you have to do this. Imagine the fame and respect not to mention the girls you can attract to yourself", Matt said.

"I don't think I can", Roy said innocently. "I have not seen anyone doing it before, how much more me", Roy said.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you but you will be giving me some percentage o", Matt said.

"Okay", said Roy, elated.

Roy gradually turned from the focused student to a corrupt person: drinking, smoking, swindling, among other vices. Is there still hope for him as he moves round campus stepping on toes and not caring what happens. Watch out for the continuation.

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