Hello Friends
I have been slacking on my posting lately. More so I’ve been focusing on commenting and resteeming great content. So, with that I have decided to challenge myself! I am going to attempt to write a short series of posts, hopefully one a day, if not oh well! Not much of challenge for you regulars, but for me a challenge non the less. Not sure how many posts this will be, but for the next week I am going to tell you my story of how my wife and I ended up in the lifestyle we have been currently living for the past 4 years. And what continues to lead us through this lifestyle. Looking back this was an epic journey to where we are today. The purpose of this is for you to find inspiration that making changes in your life can have a huge impact of where you are today. I hope you find this useful and insightful. Thank you for stopping by and as always Enjoy and Explore!
It All Begins Here
I am not the biggest fan of mainstream doctor offices, never have been, but I sit here in one. As I wait in a full room, what I hear next drops my heart to my stomach. I jump to my feet and sprint to the back…
Let’s roll back a few months and discuss what brought us to this office. I say us as my girlfriend and I. During the year leading up to this day, Amber has been having undiagnosed health issues for quite some time now. She has been battling through chronic fatigue, sore joints, bad headaches/migraines and sore necks. Every night her body was so badly run down, she could only lay in bed and rest. It was truly sad to witness this, as I know her spirit wants to be active like we used to. This was the longest year of our lives together. I felt helpless but continued a persistent research of what could possibly be wrong.

Knowing her sister has a multitude of autoimmune issues and other issues, we decided to seek professional help and Amber went to see a Rheumatologist (specialist in autoimmune diseases).
After meeting with the Rheumatologist, the recommendation was to seek out answer in Amber’s blood and get tests sent out. No big deal right? Well this leads us back to that doctor’s office waiting room chair as I watch Amber head back to get blood drawn.
Only a few minutes later, to my horror, I hear the nurse screaming from the backroom, “SHE’S SEIZING! SHE’S SEIZING!” I raced back to the room and see Amber half passed out slumped down in the chair as another nurse sprints back and pushes the panicking nurse out of the way. As the nurse and I attain to Amber I remember hearing the other nurse continuing to tell us she seized and she knows she did, she’s seen this before, blah blah blah. I wanted to tell her to “shut the fuck up,” but Amber's priority was much more important.
As Amber started coming back to reality, the nurse and I figured out she had just fainted. What a relief! I ran out to grab an orange juice from the car and came running back in, I remember seeing all the horrified looks on the people in the waiting room. Handing the OJ to Amber I knew I was done with this nurse and this place and wanted to get her home. But to my surprise this nurse would not let us leave and she called for an ambulance to take Amber to the hospital. Great I already don’t like doctors offices, how do you think I like hospitals! FYI, the hospital was only 2 minutes down the road!
After Amber gets chauffeured to the ER. I met up with her about 30 minutes later, which felt like an eternity! That’s where we sat for more than four hours! They did blood tests and a cat scan.

After a very uncomfortable stay for 4 hours the doctor finally came back with results. As she is flipping through the charts, all I wanted was ok your free to go, so we could get on with our lives. Well the results weren’t what we were expecting….
To be Continued….
Stay tuned for the next post on the continuation of how my wife and I got to the lifestyle we live now. If you like to support my efforts here for this week much love to you!! Whatever these posts earn, we will be donating the USD equivalent to our favorite Farm Sanctuary. Tamerlaine Farm Animal Sanctuary.