Paradise or Death Game

Such a serious title and interesting concept. @erodedthoughts likes to ask personal questions under the facade of non-personal questions with the idea of building a community based on core values, not just talent. I like interesting so I thought I would play along, will you join me?
I have something fun to tell you about me! Can you guess what it is?
So the serious part is that there are only six of us alive on the planet, those are the facts, below are the questions:
Pick a location that your days will end at. Anywhere in the galaxy is an option.
I wouldn’t mind spending my days on some far off mildly tropical planet, that's big enough to have snowfields within a days drive, a contradiction I know but you did say anywhere in the galaxy and I'm sure that opens up this planet. I don't mind spending a few millennia searching the galaxy for it. Yes, clearly I have somehow transcended my human body and am living as a trans-human with my trans-human husband @shai-hulud and potentially the other four people left alive after the voyage.
Name 5 other people that you would take to the island with you. Living or dead. (No, Family is not allowed)
- As I said my hubby @shai-hulud. He is my rock, my counterbalance and my soulmate if such things exist. He would say they don’t but I know he would be happy to live through the ages with me as his trans-human wife regardless.
- A farmer – for agriculture of course
- A doctor – for emergencies
- An engineer – to design stuff
- A philosopher - to keep life interesting - @tarazkp would be awesome, I like his work and I think that he has enough varied thoughts to keep us entertained, only thing is he may miss his beloved wife and I have no room left, so I would accept any well-rounded philosopher, if he turned me down.
Something new but that's not it!
You may note that I haven't named specific people but roles as I am not picky as to which doctor or which farmer, so long as they are excellent in their chosen fields, are decent human beings that like their own company but are happy to socialise, no matter how small the group. My hubby and I are happy in our own company, so as long as he is with me then I will be fine, and no although he is family now, I choose him, so he stays or I leave as then for me it would be death and I'm hoping for paradise.
Name 30 items that your group would bring and why. (5 items per person)

- House one
- House two
- House three
- House four
- House five - for the survivors
- A replicator as in Star Trek style – now what more could you want
- A genie just in case the replicator is broke, and for additional entertainment when required, I'm thinking Aladdin style genie here.
- A spacecraft, capable of interstellar travel just in case we get bored and need a change of scenery
- A dune buggy as I assume there will be a beach on this planet.
- A holodeck – yes another Star Trek addition but why not, you don’t want to get bored with reality and who could when you have a holodeck to play on.
- My stuffed dog Lino can come too, yes I still sleep with a teddy. You don’t have to ask, I am 37.
- A backup generator run off solar power.
- A refilling ostomy supply kit, as an ostomate it’s a must again in case item 1 & 2 fail.
- A water filter, I’m a total water snob.
- My kindle, I’m sure that counts as an item and not one of the three books asked about below.
- A satellite so we can connect to some interstellar worldwide webs like the answerable from the Ender series by Orson Scott Card. A fantastic series, one of my favs that would be on my kindle. (You never know when life may spark up and try to contact us!)
- A computer to connect that too.
- A camera or some sort of recording device, for the memories or history.
- I don’t know what the others drink but I know my hubby would be devastated if there was no beer so a never-ending keg.
- Music, there needs to be music, so a backup iPod device, I was going to say radio but not sure that would work on this planet.
- A stargate, a gateway to another univese...
- A dialing device, as what good is a stargate without a dialing device.
I know I can have 8 more things but In my head, the replicator and genie can deal with all those requests above and more if required but no harm in having backups, everybody needs a down day.
Name 10 items that you would destroy and that could never be made again.

In saying that I am not a huge fan of some insect’s sorry any Buddhist people out there, but so long as it doesn’t case the icecaps to melt or anything else as disruptive to happen let’s get rid of the flies, cockroaches, and mosquitos. That’s three down. Is it bad that I just destroyed living things, hmmm…
Moving on… begone Alzheimers, I need to remember the five left and cancer can go eat a d*@k! As can many of the other autoimmune shite out there, yes I know in the real world this causes population issues but let’s face it there is only five of us left it is no longer is a concern. hang on I am forgetting that we are already transhumans so these things would no longer bother us...
Back to my quandary, maybe violence but then again if we are fighting with six people left we are screwed so there should be none anyway. Plus what was destroyed in the first place that left only six of us left?
Yes I do ask myself questions and then answer them in the same moment. Don't you...
Name 3 books you would bring. (On Paper, not a Kindle)
Just three… That would be hard to do, and on paper, what’s that…. Hang on it’s broken, it doesn’t turn when you swipe or have an inbuilt dictionary, without it I would a dictionary to understand some of what is said in any book, not counting Dr. Suess. Who is an awesome author, so I am in no ways belittling him?
So let’s start with the dictionary as in theory if you have read the dictionary then you have read every story made just all jumbled up. Next, I’m not religious, but my hubby has a book called Asimov’s Guide to the Bible that could keep me entertained for quite a while or be a sleeping aid dependant on the scripture. It could also keep the conversations lively. Lastly The Magician by Raymond E. Fiest. A fiction book my hubby introduced me to on our honeymoon that rekindled my love for fantasy books and kept me reading into all hours of the day and night.
What's your favorite book? This one's about you, but because I promised some tidbits, note this is not the fun fact yet but have you guessed that? This is just a "special" moment when you realise just how special I am... I have been known to tap on my book and wait for the page to turn itself... As I said special...
Name 2 foods that you'll have in abundance. (Straight food's like Apple's, not something like Pizza)

Write a letter in a bottle. (Hopes that there is other life) or Write your headstone (If living out in Utopia)
Come join us in paradise, please bring old books as we have been limited to three but everything else is plentiful due to my awesome planning skills and “replicator” all thanks to Starfleet technology.
Yes, I know that that we are the only ones left on this planet but that doesn't mean there isn't life out there...
If you haven't guessed it yet my hubby and I are am a total geeks, from Star Trek through to Stargate… Indeed! We have 'SAME SAME but DIFFERENT' tattoos that have the stargate as the basis for a turtle shell, my fav animal and the snake to represent knowledge.
The Earth Symbol is n there too, can you find it?
Thanks for taking the time to read my post. If you can spare the voting power I'd love an upvote, but better than that how about a comment, I don’t bite and I reply to every non-spam comment and some of the more interesting spam.
If you want to join in the Paradise or Death Game there is still time, would you consider this paradise or death?
Image Source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (my own), 6 (my hubby's).
Also if you haven't heard of #dolphinschool yet what rock have you been living under? Check it out below:
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My hubby is also a great steemian worth a follow, check him out @shai-hulud. Below are two of his series:
Myths of Man: Bodhisattva.
Alphabet Adventures Episode 7... Australia Day