How strongly do I have to believe to have wings?

Believe and you can achieve anything. This is one of my strongest thoughts. For me the world is just a giant chain of challenges that we need to conquest. And the key to finding solution for all of them is in our head. Our problems are as big as we believe them to be.


Have you noticed, that when we were kids and believed in something strongly enough, it would come true?

I have this one memory of when I was in my witchcraft phase and I would make wands out of wooden sticks and glass paint. There was this mean boy, that was kind of a bully. One day me and my friend saw the boy, he was swinging on a swing attached to an apple tree, but when he saw us he stopped and got up. I guess he said something mean as usual, I don't remember it all, but the next thing that has stayed in my memory is that we pulled out my handmade wands and said quietly ''An apple falls on his head'' Nothing happened the first time, or the second, but then guess what? I was concentrating hard and believing it. And an apple fell on his head. Now, you can say it was a coincidence, and maybe it was, but it is one thing that has convinced me that our minds are stronger than we can imagine.

The reason for this story is, I recognize that children believe more, stronger, they have no reason to doubt something that they trust in, but when we grow up, our minds get changed in a way, that we think things can't happen a certain way, we stop believing that we are our only limitation.


No matter how hard I believe that I can fly, I won't be able to, because there is this small voice that is saying, nobody else can, it must be impossible. So the second our mind stops believing a thing just a little bit, it becomes impossible.

What amazes me is the hopeless illness cases when against all odds survives the patients survive. They do, because they don't want to go, they program their brain to get healthy, they don't believe in death being an option, so it is not.

How about the fact that people who are afraid of certain things, for example spiders, are more likely to encounter them, because their brain is attracting what they are thinking about. This applies to extreme fear, not just dislike of something.

And the beauty of collective thinking, how is it possible that sometimes different people will have the same thought? How is it possible that people are so similar and yet so different, some look the same, more think the same. And when there are crowds, the same emotion seems to be taken over by everybody.

Our minds are beautiful, complicated and mesmerizing, there is so much we don't know, that is yet to be explored. For everybody out there, believe in yourself first and everybody else will follow.


Have a great day, an amazing week and a beautiful life

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