3 Artists/Writers Worthy of My (and Your) Follow! #1

I’ve been guided by a wise man (who? See below… ;) ) to explore the jungle of Steemit in order to find people who I not only think are interesting and worthy of following, but who I also think would enjoy following me and my content. Of course, I was going to do this anyway, but without his help, I would have spent a lot more wasteful time fumbling around in the dark.


The qualities I most aspire to personally are being creative, being inspirational, being a critical thinker and conveying thoughtful, meaningful ideas through my art and through discussion. So of course, it was these qualities I had in mind while searching for these fellow earthlings:

I was a bit blown away by m31… An artist and a writer. Reading her introduction post, I felt connected with her already. I went through at least 10 of her blogposts. Her water-colour paintings are dreamily beautiful and she accompanies her art with intriguing bits of writing that take you outside of yourself for a moment… Make you consider paradigms you’d perhaps never thought of. Her post on AI and Elon musk made me fall in love a little bit and her watercolour whale makes me hope that she is a Douglas Adams fan too ;)
She has “been around the sun 27 times” and is also a Westworld fan, extra points there! =)

I highly recommend you go over to her most recent watercolour post and answer her most profound question…: What is inside your cupcake? ;)

I aspire to be as prolific a producer of quality content as Taraz is! Sixteen posts in 4 days?? And interesting, well-thought-out stuff, not spammy in the least. He describes himself as a “prolific thinker, continual writer, personnel developer and photography enthusiast” and his blog reflects this diversity. He pulls no punches in his articles about how he sees the world (I highly recommend his most recent article “The Blue Door”, about the Steemit environment) but he writes fiction too. And when he posts photography, he accompanies it with writing you just can’t scroll past. My favourite (so far! So much to get through!) is his post “Thoughts, Words and Photos (Fifteen)” in which he talks about life, death and belief. I’m happy to find that he and I share many of the same thoughts on these matters =)

Dad, Husband, Poet, Artist, Evil Genius … Lives: Outside the Box – I liked him immediately, not having seen a single post yet ;P … And I’m glad to say, his posts only helped the situation. The very first one I read (his most recent “Paradise or Death game”) made me want to follow him already. His blog is full of quirky, interesting engaging little out-of-the-box-thinking games/contests. And his occasional personal posts are honest and often heart-warming (See his “Love- The Timeless Story”). … Also, he is a dad of no less than 10 children! As I told him in a comment, he is a braver man than I.

So, there you have it! I'm looking forward to getting to know these fellow artists/writers, and to finding more like-minded people through them. If you, whoever is reading this, would like to get to know me better, please do check out the rest of my blog, especially my recent post "What to do in Steemit...? I've finally got it."

My hope is that through this post, I am embarking on a quest here on Steemit that I’ve not had a lot of luck with in my offline life: To connect with like-minded people, inspire and be inspired by them, and facilitate in connecting them with each other.

And who is the wise man that guided me to this exercise? Here on Steemit, he known as @markrmorrisjr – wise is an apt adjective: His post (being the first of 10 #dolphinschool lessons) demonstrates that he has the experience in this "self-marketing" world that we lowly planktons/minnows are in sore need of. I highly recommend following along here – You are going to learn A LOT of very valuable information.

I realise I have very few followers at the moment, which limits the effectiveness of this article, but hey… Humble beginnings, right? =) Which I hope will lead to greater successes as I post more of my art and writings, and learn how to use the platform more effectively. Thanks again, @markrmorrisjr !

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