Are You Winning at Audience Engagement? We Are Building a Family! 21 Authors, 10 Days, 1 Hashtag, Welcome to #DolphinSchool Bootcamp Day 3

A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.

- Herbert A. Simon

To explain this phenomenon,Simon coined the phrase "Attention Economy". He reasoned that if information was no longer scarce, something else must become the medium of exchange. With information exploding, the ability to consume it, human attention, became that medium. And so was born the service economy.

Instead of trading goods, people traded their skills, born out of their focused attention, for money.

Fast forward to the 21st century

We've taken the final leap and moved into a pure attention economy. The biggest industries in our world feed on it. People pay for it, through advertising. Celebrities buy it from us. And now, Steemit, where our focused attention is not just the means of exchange, it is the source of the very currency that runs our economy.

In the Attention Economy Audience is King!

Anyone in this day and age that can build a large enough audience can do pretty much anything that's possible.

In the past, salesmen worked to get a one on one audience with a potential customer

They'd slug their vacuums and encyclopedias across the country, from door to door, in the hopes of getting one housewife to listen. Because it was a number's game, they knew they had to hit as many customers in a day as possible.

Then, mass media killed the door to door salesman. The conversion rates sucked in comparison, but when you could hawk a set of cookware to a million home cooks in one sixty second spot, you didn't have to close very many to make it worth it.

The model used to be, find a need, develop a product, find your ideal market.

But, within the attention economy, this isn't how it's always done. Sure, somethings are still based on it, but, look around. Right here on steemit we have one of the purest representations of the attention economy imaginable.

We see YouTubers, podcasters, and bloggers, with ready made audiences show up one day, and owning the place the next. Why? They understand this principle. Audience is king. They move from one thing to the next, they're "lifestyle" experts, whatever that means. One minute they're shilling Facebook marketing courses, the next minute they're crypto coin experts. So long as they don't burn their audience, it really doesn't matter.

  • They become "bestselling" authors (hiring guys like me to write their books, trust me, I know, but I can't tell "NDA")
  • They create digital "products" like a course about steemit from a guy that's been here five minutes and only has 2000SP.
  • They rent their voting power, sell resteem services and generally make a mess of things, because they have a group of users attention.


They're not special, but if you want to get people's attention, draw a crowd. The bigger your crowd, the easier it is get more followers!

I don't want to say this, but how the hell do you think Donald Trump became the leader of the "free world"? He knows how to build an audience! He understands the attention economy.

So, mark, we don't have 10000 followers between us including your 2700!

Am I just here to rub salt in your wounds? Didn't we already talk about getting followers? We discussed a small fraction of what you need to know.

  • So far we've gone over a few tools to help you get followers
  • I showed you how to research and find the ideal followers
  • You learned how to approach, and some of you managed to lure them in!

But, now that you've got them, what will do with them?

Here is something I know after standing on stages in front of 1500 live audiences from 5 to 5000!

It's not that hard to get some people's attention, any fool can do it. Don't believe me? Go into a crowded shopping mall food court and stare up at the ceiling intently. In moments, you'll have company, as people look up to see what you're looking at.

But, and here's the key, it's what you do next that really matters!

Keeping an audience's attention, if you know what they want is not that hard. They stopped, they clicked onto your blog because of your headline and your awesome picture. They want to love you! So far, the #Dolphinschool posts on my blog alone (not including any of your assignments) have gotten 1008 views, in just three days, including the announcement, that only got 60! And it's growing!

But, as every actor knows,if you ever lose an audience, getting them back can be hell!

Take it from me. A year ago, my posts were getting an average of 100 hits. If I could have seen the future, I'd probably be at the top of trending right now. But, that might mean, I wasn't right here, where I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be, talking to you! So, what is this post about?

Today we are going to talk about "engagement"

Yes, Engagement is a 21st century buzzword that often doesn't mean a lot, like paradigm, or onboarding.But, in this case, it's actually a great word.

I shared that screen cap, because the progression of the definitions listed there are serendipitous. Check it out!

  1. Occupy, attract or involve someone's attention
  2. Pledge or enter into a contract to do something
  3. Participate or become involved in
  4. Establish a meaningful connection or contact
  5. Move into position so as to come into operation
  6. Bring together, preparatory to fighting!


Do you see what I see right there? It's like a road map for

Becoming the BOSS! Of Engagement!

I was going to say King, but that sounded a little "gender exclusive" so...


Six steps to "engaging" with an audience!

Step One, Attract Their Attention!

We learned this yesterday, great content, with an appealing preview, positioned correctly. If you don't remember, here it is, not going down that road again!

Step Two Agree to Provide Them What They Want!

When I put out the word that I wanted to start this, I didn't just say, hey, wanna learn some cool blogging tricks? If you want, maybe, sometime?

No! What did I do?

I made you an offer you couldn't refuse.

  1. I told you I'd teach you what I learned earning over $90k here in 18 months, gaining 2700 followers and being 7x author of the week!
  2. I told you there would be no out of pocket expense,except for votes, resteems and comments, that you would be doing anyway, and I'd teach you to make them count!
  3. If that wasn't enough, I offered to PAY you to take this course if you worked hard enough!

Now, this has to happen in a way that makes sense for your audience. But, if you could offer the audience you are working to build something, what would it be? It needs to be big enough to make them stick around. What is it? Thrills, chills and excitement? More fun than a barrel of monkeys? Games, prizes and giveaways? Great stories, beautiful photos, meaningful inspiration, the list goes on.

Remember, whatever it is,you've got to believe you can deliver.

When I typed that last sentence, it originally said "be sure" instead of believe. But, then I thought, I wasn't sure. I didn't know if anyone would care that I wanted company and liked to teach about this stuff. LOL But, I believed I could deliver if you showed up.

You never know what you can do until you try!

Here's a good rule of thumb for making this promise.

  • Big enough to make people curious
  • Small enough to be possible
  • Just enough to stretch you, without breaking you

Most of you are hobbyist's here. That's totally cool. So, after this, what is your plan? Daily, once a week? Twice a month? Whatever it is, let your audience know. Give them something to expect and set yourself up to succeed at it.

Step Three Participate With Them

The audience needs to know you are on their side. Even if you're Stephen King, they want to believe you're right there, scared too. Be a participant in your own work. This matters a whole lot. Here's why.

  • It keeps you from condescending if your audience doesn't know your topic like you do
  • It makes you relatable to them
  • It gives you incentive to do things you've never done, to experience it with them, rather than just putting on a show.

On steemit, this is easy. Talk to them, not at at them, or over them.

Here's another tip from an old theater director

Communication is worthless if they don't connect with you.

I don't care how eloquent your writing is, if you lose your audience art doesn't really happen. I don't care how much smarter you are than them, if Steven Hawking can write A Brief History of Time on an 8th grade level, you're not too good for this!

Three practical steps

  1. Answer every legit comment. Sure, skip spam if you gotta.
  2. Don't ask anything of them you're not willing to do. Go comment on their work, engage, engage, engage.
  3. Remember that quote from Day 1 of Dale Carnegies? Show genuine interest in people.

Step Four, Establish a Meaningful Connection, or Contact

This is the next phase. You've got to get to know your audience. It's one thing to be the author that always replies. That's amazing in its own right. It is, you've got no idea how big that is. But, if you really get to know them, "Hey, @buffalojimbob thanks for the commment, by the way, loved your photo the other day on Steepshot!"

This kind of thing will BLOW their minds.

I'm not suggesting you've got to learn the life history and stalk every single commenter. No, that's preposterous. It would become a full time job. But, use UpVoters, like we learned and at least get to know who your top 5 to 10 supporters are, maybe more.

But, again, no condescending, means, don't blow off the little guy.

In teaching theater auditions, you always tell your student, be cool to everyone at that audition. You can't afford not to, you don't know who's who. That slightly rude person who handed out the scripts, might not be the director, but it might be her husband.

On steemit, just because someone is a plankton, doesn't make them disposable.

From what I've seen in this group, this attitude isn't much of a problem. You're generous, kind and welcoming, but...

That one sideways comment you made to that one little guy, that has a big whale fan, gets seen. It all gets seen. You've got to be genuine 100% of the time, but like your mama said.

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all

Or how about this one?

'Tis better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

I'm preaching to myself here. You have no idea how many comments I type, then delete before I post them. I'm a snarky dude. But it's cutting off my nose to spite my face. I'm only hurting myself. Be like Ben Franklin, who left a desk full of nasty letters, neatly written, addressed and sealed, but never sent.

Step Five Move Your Audience Into Operation

Ever hear of a "Brand Ambassador"?

It's an early 2000s social media marketing buzz phrase that's basically code for "getting your customer to sell your product, so you don't have to pay him."

True, there are paid brand ambassador's, like Michael Jordan for Hanes.

Essentially the idea is, you get them hooked on your product, then you offer rewards for them to tell their friends.

You make your audience a part of your world domination campaign.

Here's a few ideas of how to do that.

  • Offer free resteems for one lucky commenter, or upvoter
  • Give out a prize if a post hits a certain payout or number of votes
  • Offer to co-author and split revenue with a member of your audience!

See how that works? Yes, in case you have not figured it out, #Dolphinschool Bootcamp, is, in part, a Brand Ambassador program. If you succeed here, you're not going to keep it to yourself. And, when I launch again, I bet many of you will be back, upvoting the posts and supporting the next batch of participants.

Why is this so powerful?

Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips.

  • Solomon,Ancient Hebrew King and Philosopher

Give them things to share. Offer challenges for them to write on their blog, share photos, find the funniest meme. Engage that with hashtags to make the whole thing searchable, etc.

Step Six, Turn Your Audience Into an Army!

No, this is not about violence. I'm libertarian and believe firmly in the NAP. I'm talking about giving them a cause.

There's a reason popstars like Gaga give their fans a name

We're called Little Mons†ers and we're not regular fans. We're family. We're not only connected to Gaga, we're connected to one another as well.

This was the top response for the query, what does Lady Gaga call her fans. Do I approve? I wouldn't want my own kids being part of it. But, as a marketing ploy, it's pure genius.

Obviously, you're probably not going to call your fans Little Monsters, but I bet you're not ashamed to associate with the hashtag #DolphinSchool, promoting it is as much about your success as it is mine.

I don't care what you share about, anything can be used to create a family feel.Even IT. Create a cool logo with a phrase only your people will understand and put it on a t-shirt send one out once a month to your biggest fan! It can be anything! Send hand lettered recipe cards, a book of photo prints, whatever!

(Please don't send out prayer cloths blessed by the Apostle Paul or anything crazy like that. I'll have to disown you.)

So there you have it, six steps to Engaging an audience.

Your tools are the same as for everything else.

  1. Your blog, give them what they're looking for
  2. Upvotes, this one is obvious
  3. Resteems, for special occasions, or to curate a feel your audience enjoys!
  4. Comments, comments, comments

But, there's one more. Don't underestimate the "tip note" I used them today to inform the revenue sharers. It cost me .50 SBD. But, I could have done it for .005. I wanted it to mean something. A tip note is a way to send a message direct to that person.

REMEMBER, IT'S STILL NOT PRIVATE! You can see any tip note sent by going into that profile's wallet.

Homework Day Three

First the questions

  1. Are you having fun? If not, what should change?
  2. Do you feel like you're getting what you want out of this?
  3. What will you do today to engage your audience?
  4. List your stats. Are you seeing growth?
  5. How many average comments would you like to see on your posts?

Part Two Actions

Choose an author you like and analyze their audience engagement (not me, we're already talking about me)

Create a list of things you might like to try

Part Three Posting

Come up with an outrageous offer to make to your audience for the rest of #dolphinschool bootcamp. It doesn't have to be your ultimate offer, but give them something to look forward to each day.

This is important, you don't have to make the post about this, you can work it in, or, make it about it, but you don't have to mention that it's an assignment, make this feel as natural as possible. Just be sure to add your link to dolphinschool at the end. Or, ignore this altogether and tell them I told you not to mention it! LOL IT'S YOUR BLOG!

Engage your audience with at least one question and call for answers in the comments. If you can ask them to take an action, like share your own favorite post from your blog, or one post you think I'd like, or whatever, bonus points.

Whatever they add, engage!

If you have not, turn in day two assignments by 1 pm CST. The second revenue split post will be going up this evening.

At the end of your post, please link to dolphin school. If you know how, create a hyperlink.

When you post your blog

  1. Use the tags #dolphinschool and #markrmorrisjr as two of the five for your post. Writing is a good primary category option. This is the other part of your price of admission.
  2. Come back HERE and leave a link to your blog in the comments, on the HOMEWORK POST HERE
  3. If you have the bandwidth, comment on at least three or four of the other posts here, resteem and upvote if you feel it's warranted.

But, don't expect others to support you, if you DON'T support them!

I'll visit your blog and leave a comment so you'll know I was there.

I'll leave the critique of your post in a reply on your post. Okay? Any questions?


Curious about #dolphinschool? Follow this link!

If you'd like to read more of my work, follow @markrmorrisjr or click on my screen name to visit my blog.

Help support Minnows and Plankton in #Dolphinschool with your upvotes, resteems and encouraging comments!

There will be a special homework post on the blog. No need to resteem or upvote it. Leave all of your homework in the comments there, bring conversation about it, here, deal? Also, you can leave everything in one comment to conserve bandwidth and make it easy for me. I'll make a new one for each day. Tomorrow's will say, DolphinSChool Bootcamp Homework Post Day Two

If you have not, turn in day one assignments by 1 pm CST. The first revenue split post will be going up this evening.

Curious about #dolphinschool? Follow this link!

If you'd like to read more of my work, follow @markrmorrisjr or click on my screen name to visit my blog.

Help support Minnows and Plankton in #Dolphinschool with your upvotes, resteems and encouraging comments!

Follow these authors to see the results of #dolphinschool


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