Posting on Steemit, Too Much, Too Little? JUST RIGHT! Tips and more, Plus how to scope out your competition's posting frequency and payouts! #Dolphinschool DAY 6

Throughout my blogging career, there has been this discussion, how much is too much? How much is too little? What is the sweet spot?

So, I'm going to turn that conversation on its head today, ready?

A huge part of building an audience for your work is frequency. You've got to add enough content to stay top of mind, while not blowing them out of the water, or making them numb to your posts. So, what's the right amount.

There is no "right" amount

You heard me. Some bloggers do very well with only one really amazing post per week. Some do multiple small posts per day, while some Twitter users are posting one or more times per hour, and yes, this is a "micro-blog" site.

One huge advantage that power users on other platforms have over Steemers is easy ways to schedule posts. There are a couple of apps that claim that power over steemit, but one takes a portion of your proceeds, while claiming "free services" and the others I've found so far, are not stable enough to put your trust in, in my opinion.

If you know of a good, free, way to schedule posting here, please, leave me a link in the comments, thanks!

In studying the steemit landscape, the best steemers vary on frequency.

Here are three big time steemers, that make the big bucks each week.

  1. @jerrybanfield, does mostly video content. He came over from YouTube with an audience he had earned there.

  1. @meesterboom presents comedy pieces, that are really funny and well branded.

  1. @adsactly is a large curation guild that shares revenue from all or at least most of their posts, among the contributing authors.

Okay, calm down, yeah, they're making a lot of money here!

This is why I get so excited for you guys. You have no idea how life changing this can be. I'll share a story on Wed. That will help you see it from my perspective. The potential of steemit is real.

So, get beyond the $$$$ and look at the numbers that matter. This is steemviz. You can find it here and thanks to the magical transparency of Steemit, you can look at ANY account. This is showing us the next 7 days of payouts, and the number of posts getting paid out, along with the average payout per post.

So, as you can see, these accounts make a high average payout.

For most of you, @meesterboom is the most accessible model, he posts 7 times a week, on average, with highly branded content that is immediately recognizable as his. It is high quality humor and commentary, a blend of life experience and exaggeration that's a lot of fun to read, and he's killing it.

Now, let's take a look at one more steemer making good money here!

This is @everittdmickey. He's been here as long as I have, and gotten to about two thirds the following and SP I had at my high point. He has a different methodology, take a look.

Did you read his numbers? 57 total posts in seven days!

That's an average of 8 posts a day, whoaa!

So, which method do I suggest?

It's like the man says, if there's an option to be batman, always be batman!

So, if you can jump on YouTube and get a couple million followers real quick, be Jerry Banfield. But, realistically, I think branded content with a solid following is the best bet, I'd study and do study @meesterboom.

But, writing a brilliant satire piece every single day is tough. Even if you're good at it, it takes a lot out of you. So, how can you do this thing?

Here are some suggestions about how to post frequently without burning out your audience!

1. Variety, variety, variety

Do different stuff on different days, or multiple things every day.

  • Write one original post
  • Share a lifestyle post on steepshot
  • Share a meme on Dmania
  • Share a short post on
  • Share music on Dsound
  • Share video on Dtube

There are so many ways to share it's crazy, right? So,try them all, and mix it up. You can be funny, or inspirational, or informative, while staying on topics you enjoy and that your audience will love.

2 Do a series

My biggest success has come from serializing fiction. You get followers to read every day, and some will upvote every single post. Some of my biggest fans came that way! You write a longer story, then break it up. Check the #fiction or #novel tags to find authors doing that.

But, you can also break up tips, news, art, anything into more than one post. Think of it like buzzfeed. They make you click through how many damn pages to find that one picture you wanted to see from the beginning? Create short pieces with incentive to click to the next one, and you'll have loyal fans looking to find you!

3 Recycle material

Curation on Steemit means upvoting and commenting. BUT, in the content marketing world, it means sharing other people's work. There are people in the blogosphere making millions, just finding and sharing great content in a fun and informative way.

You can do this with other steemers, by using a theme, 8 Great Art Steemers You Should Know. Or sharing the best of 3 Best Steemit Blogs You Probably Missed This Week. It's not hard. Then you put an intro paragraph at the top, throw in your links. (build hyperlinks, people! Google it) and a brief description of each piece. Voila! In just a few minutes, beautiful, value adding content, that if, you use steem content, also builds audience and communit!

But, here's a big secret!

You should also throw your own material in the mix. If I'm going to write about 5 Top Fiction Authors on Steemit, I'm going to include myself! You bet I am!!!!If you use stuff that's less than 7 days old, you can even make some money off of it that way too! double dipping!

So, there you have it, my two cents on frequency, one more thing!

Experiment and do what works for you. Everit will tell you, WORK HARDER! Meesterboom says, keep giving them quality content and stay the course, no idea about Jerry, or Adsactly's advice. But, if it works for you, it works. If it doesn't, don't do it, no matter who makes it work!!!

And that's a wrap

Wow! We made it past the halfway point and I'm looking forward to the last four days to see what happens! Are you! I hope so. So, your assignment today is going to be interesting, but simple.

Homework Day 4

First the questions

  1. What assignment would you most like to see in the rest of this course?
  2. Biggest fan made through dolphinschool
  3. Give me a testimonial quote for dolphinschool, do you recommend it?
  4. Use the steemviz tool above and take a look at your potential payouts. Just add your user name in the box and share your payout potential.
  5. What other goals do you think should be part of dolphinschool?

Part Two Actions

Find two accounts on Steemit that you admire and take a look at them on steemviz

Now, go to those blogs and get three takeaways about their success.

Part Three Posting

Write a curation post featuring 3 to 5 of the posts we've created in #dolphinschool with links. One should be yours, but the others should be from different users. You can include the main posts if they fit your article. Try to tie them all together and add a bit of value of your own.

If you have not, turn in day five assignments by 1 pm CST. The fifth revenue split post will be going up this evening.

At the end of your post, please link to dolphin school. If you know how, create a hyperlink.

When you post your blog

  1. Use the tags #dolphinschool and #markrmorrisjr as two of the five for your post. Writing is a good primary category option. This is the other part of your price of admission.
  2. Come back HERE and leave a link to your blog in the comments, on the HOMEWORK POST HERE.
  3. If you have the bandwidth, comment on at least three or four of the other posts here, resteem and upvote if you feel it's warranted.

But, don't expect others to support you, if you DON'T support them!

I'll visit your blog and leave a comment so you'll know I was there.

If you don't see me by 5 pm CST, please let me know. I've missed you somehow.

I'll leave the critique of your post in a reply on your post. Okay? Any questions?


Curious about #dolphinschool? Follow this link!

If you'd like to read more of my work, follow @markrmorrisjr or click on my screen name to visit my blog.

Help support Minnows and Plankton in #Dolphinschool with your upvotes, resteems and encouraging comments!

There will be a special Homework Post on the blog. No need to resteem or upvote it. Leave all of your homework in the comments there, bring conversation about it, here, deal? Also, you can leave everything in one comment to conserve bandwidth and make it easy for me. I'll make a new one for each day.

If you have not, turn in day five assignments by 1 pm CST. The fifth revenue split post will be going up this evening.

Curious about #dolphinschool? Follow this link!

If you'd like to read more of my work, follow @markrmorrisjr or click on my screen name to visit my blog.

Help support Minnows and Plankton in #Dolphinschool with your upvotes, resteems and encouraging comments!

Follow these authors to see the results of #dolphinschool


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