Notes From an Amateur Writer #3 - Facing the Challenge



I had intentions of writing a 'Notes from an Amateur Writer' article every few days or so. When I sat down to write the first one it felt right. I will do a few of these, use it as an opportunity to get the creative juices flowing is what I thought. To help get the writing muse to step up to the plate. It resonated with how I was feeling, and where I wanted to go, creatively, over the next month or so.

Then I noticed the 30 day writing challenge from @dragosroua and it struck me. Perhaps it would be better to put out one of these per day. Not a long essay, just 500 – 1000 words or so. As the words come out, I'll catch a hold of them, entice them to the paper/screen, encourage them to stay around awhile, and publish. In others word, become a writer again, by stealth if need be.

I missed the first few days, but intend to put out an article in this series for the remainder of the challenge. It is a great opportunity, and I appreciate it. It wont just be my thoughts, or a series of repetitive words on the same subject. The topic will be about writing, but that is such an incredibly vast field that I hope to be able to explore it somewhat as I take tentative step after tentative step out into the wilds.

It is a challenge, just as the previous call to arms was a challenge. An opportunity of a personal nature to interact and communicate and help, and marvel at the wonders that unfold from the journey.


Thoughts have power, just as emotions do too. And here we see the power of words. Steemit in general is a fine example of the power of words in action. To empower, to bewilder, to amuse, to frustrate, to educate, or even to hurt. And what I am finding above all is the power of words to heal. Words can create worlds of vast vistas and landscapes, filled with empires grand and small, where wonders and miracles take place. They start as words, and enter our minds and transform into imagery as amazing and true as any supposed form of reality. Perhaps even more real than reality. Perhaps another reality altogether.

And we hold those images in our minds. Images that are derived from the lives of other people, other characters. We bond with these characters like friends. Perhaps closer than friends. We see behind the veil of these characters, into their souls. We witness their journeys as they face their own personal challenges. And we care about them, we want to see them succeed on the path they face towards their destiny. That is why we read. Why we take those words and give them access to our inner spaces. We resonate with them. With their need to overcome what lay ahead. We all have our own challenges – that is life. And we know those challenges can be difficult. For our favourite characters, and for ourselves. That is not the issue. Its how we face them, accept them, resolutely (or otherwise), and forge a path forward, or around, or over. And who we become as a result.

Hmmm... my Muse has spoken. The challenge has been responded to, by both of us. And it will be faced, one day at a time. Just like life.

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