Welcome to my incredibly niche blog an adventure through the dictionary if you want to save the time I will be giving you the highlights because you know what they say once you read the dictionary you never have to read another book ever again.
“If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them”
Genesis 11: 6
Ok so that quote above is gods words on the power of language and don't forget that in the Christian faith he litteraly spoke the world into existence.
Sometime ago I started the little project of reading the dictionary front to back I couldn't tell you why but the realization that it was language that defined every conscious part of my life spurred me on to gain a greater understanding of the words I use to describe my world.
More than just defining my experience of the world it is language that has allowed humanity to go far past the the Tower of Babel and all the way to the moon.
As you read this blog you might be forgiven for getting a little confused at its purpose and structure so let me be clear the intention of this Blog will not be to preach sanctity of spelling or get up in your grill about grammar.
In fact I’m the very last person that should grill anyone on those things as despite my love of books both my spelling and grammar are terrible.
On top of that language changes often becoming unrecognizable from its origins.
“Look at this example” Modern English
“Onfindan ðêos forebysen” - Old English
Beyond here you will find a collections of words, some big, some small and my thoughts on them, sometimes silly, sometimes serious, and sometimes I hope educational or even better that that perhaps thought provoking.
As tempted as I am to arrange the words in the order I find most interesting I settled in keeping the Alphabetical. And for the record I am using the Australian Oxford Dictionary fifth edition.
Today's Adventure.
Today I will be leaving you with only one word.
That word is Aardvark.
n. An African animal with a bulky pig like body and a thick body feeding on termites.
Etymology: From South African Dutch Afrikaans Aard “Earth” and Vark “pig” meaning literally earthpig due to the animals burrowing.
Now for the record the dictionary has a really crappy description.
This creature looks like a mad scientist had a bit too much fun in the laboratory lets have a look at his ingredients list.
- Rabbit ears
- Pig snout
- Wombat body
- Kangaroo Tail
This is another one of those strange strange creatures like the Duck Billed Platypus
So now you know A is for EarthPig.
If you would like to follow me in these adventures please feel free alternatively if you write to educate can I suggest the tag #steemucation
Kind Regards