Imagine offering a friend a banana. They snap the top back and start to peel it.
And slices fall out!

Imagine how surprised and amazed they will be!
Kids love this, and it makes a good practical joke, too.
It's actually very easy to do. Banana skins have 5 flat planes and 6 edges. Take a sewing needle, position it on one of the edges, poke through the skin and through the flesh of the banana, just until you reach the skin on the other side. (Don't let the needle poke through on the other side.) Pivot the needle back and forth, "slicing" the banana. You'll have the needle further in to reach the other side, but only a little part of the needle will need to be in when slicing the flesh that's closest to the hole you made.

There will be small marks where the needle was inserted, but most people don't take the time to look at a banana's skin before peeling it. It helps, too, to use a riper banana, maybe even one with some spots so that the puncture marks will blend in.
If you'd like to see a video tutorial, you can find some on Youtube.
Give it a try. It's really a fun surprise for kids and adults alike.

Get to know us! The Banana Collective
Meet our tea leaf-reading, coffee-swirling gypsy fortune teller, Madame Zanana
Professor Bananington asks (rants, actually): Is it banana pudding if it comes in a box?