About two months ago, The Banana Collective hit the Steemit platform, bringing readers tongue-in-cheek and humorous musings about life, from a banana's perspective.
Each banana character has his or her own personality and voice. Each has something they want to say.
It started with me, Van McPeel, the Moderator and Group Mascot of the bunch.
I then introduced our Publisher and News Chief, an earnest and beleaguered mid-career guy named P.O. Tassium.
The fierce, fast-talking Roxana Bananamon shared her views on nutrition and introduced her kids, 13-year-old smartass Tay'Tran and 8-year-old poetry-loving Havana.

Next, our most erudite member, Sir Geoffrey Bananington, introduced himself. He is the Professor of Comparative Fruit, Literature and Interspecies Negotiation at Bruisington University (and never lets any of us forget it). Sir B tends to rant a bit, but he means well.
And, of course, we introduced the luscious Lana Peelings, who's all about romance, love and sex.

But that was just a recap of the first bananas to join the blog. You can read their full introductions on our very first post, right here. And they've all made multiple postings; just check the blog homepage to see what your favorites have to say.
Today, I want to formally introduce the other members of the Banana Collective who have posted since our launch in March 2018. You may have read a post or two by them, and you can expect more to come!

Good day. I am Doctor Victor Frankenpeel. I only have a few moments to introduce myself, as the beakers are bubbling in my laboratory and I must get back to my latest invention. My genius in the laboratory is unparalleled, as those who have seen my greatest creation,
The STEEMNANA, can attest. There is always something secret and grand... oh... must leave and return to my lab immediately!

CATNANA doesn't say much, but is the official pet choice of the Banana Collective. Catnana is not only the perfect pet, but doubles as a tasty snack.

Truther Red Peel here with a Truth Nugget for ya: I will red peel your asses, because Truth has to be told!
The question to ask yourself is: Do I want Red Peel to take me down the rabbit hole, or do I want to live in ignorance my entire life?!
Before you answer that, check out
my expose on the screwed-up calendar we use
And last of the new Banana Collective bloggers ~~ but by all accounts the sweetest...

... um...
where was I? I think I'll make a cup of tea, and in the meantime, you can read my story about
The prince and the banana palm

And that wraps up this introduction to the new voices on The Banana Memos blog.
Stay tuned, 'cause there's plenty more where they came from!

If you enjoyed this post, please consider re-steeming
so that others can meet the Banana Collective.
Thanks a bunch!