"Truther Red Peel" is not my real name. But I gotta watch my back, you know? Lot of nefarious players out there trying to keep us Truthers from speaking out and exposing them.
Get ready, 'cause I'm here to drop some Truth Nuggets ("TN" or "Nuggets") on you. Truth Nuggets are sort of like the red peel that Morpheus gave to Neo in the Matrix movie; once you've been "red peeled," you've been shown the truth and there's no going back!

I'm Truther Red Peel, here to shine light on weird things happening on Earth. I'm takin' you down the Food Rabbit Hole today.
Label reading, people. Gotta read your labels.
Even if it means standing in the aisle in the grocery store for a couple extra minutes. Why wouldn't you want to know what's goin' into your one-and-only body?
But even when you do read the labels, some of the words are so obtuse, you can't tell what the ingredient is.

Whatever, man. The Truth Nugget I'm tryin' to lay down here is that the labels on our food are f'd up. Ain't no way a normal person can understand the junk that's bein' put into our food by the corporations and evil entities that are tryin' to keep us unhealthy and weak so that we're easier to govern.

I was only trying to assist.

So. To get back to what I was saying. I was eating some of my favorite chocolate candies the other day ('cause Truthers need chocolate too, just like everybody else).

Uh, yeah.
My point exactly.
Or I think it was one of my points... that everyone likes chocolate, but do we know what's in or on the chocolate?
Here's what happened: You see, my favorites are chocolate-covered nuts, all shiny and sweet. I started reading the labels on the packages, and saw "confectioner's glaze" and "food glaze" listed as an ingredient. And, of course, I thought, "What the hell is that?"
Turns out those are just fancy words for bug juice. Yeah, you read that right. Bug juice.
Get ready for a Truth Nugget, people. (And put down any food if you're eating right now.) Confectioner's glaze and food glaze are just words the "food industry" uses for shellac, which comes from bugs.
Shellac (commonly used as wood primer and varnish), is a resin which is secreted by the female Lac insect after it consumes tree bark... The raw resin is collected, heated, filtered. and mixed with an alcohol solution to create the food glaze. source

Now, I don't know about you, but that makes my tummy feel not so good.
I mean, how did we even GET to this point? Who was the genius who said, "I know what we should do! Coat our candy with bug secretions!"?
Personally, I can live without my chocolate being shiny.

Um, excuse me, Roxana, but I kinda want to keep to what I've been tellin' the people on this post, and that's about weird junk in food that we're not told about.
I'll say it again: Label reading, people. Gotta read your labels.

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More from Truther Red Peel on fabric softener sheets and our screwed-up calendar