Okay, you guys are gonna love this. This is my favorite banana song, and I sing it all the time. Some of you may know it already.
You take someone's name and replace the first consonant with 'B', and then 'F' and then 'M.'
Then you go on with the song. Here's an example:
Let's take the name 'Lisa.' Take off the 'L' and put a 'B' on the front, and you have 'Bisa.'
Then you put an 'F' on to make it 'Fisa.'
Then you put an 'M' on to make it 'Misa.' See? Simple!
And here's how the song goes:
Lisa Lisa bo Bisa
Banana fana fo Fisa
Me my mo Misa
Lisa! (drawn out long, like 'Leeee-sa')
Let's use my sister's name next. Her name is Havana.


Hahahaha! Havana hates when I use her name for this song!
Okay, here goes:
Havana Havana bo Bavana
Fee fi fo Favana
Mi my mo Mavana


Nothin', Mom. I'm just singin'.


Banana fana fo Fom
Mi my mo Mom

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