The BLACKLUX Party is headed into 2018! What are you looking forward to in 2018? Let me know and you could win a prize!

What Are You Looking Forward To?
New Year's resolutions seem so serious. This is a party, after all! And it's been going for 13 days by now -- 13 days! So we are all a little punchy after so much fun, day after day. So there's no pressure with any New Years resolutions here at the BLACKLUX Party.
Nope -- let's do those New Years resolutions one better! Let's have some Blue Sky Thinking -- where you can let your imagination and dreams run free, without being limited by the time or cost or effort to make those dreams real. The BLACKLUX Party is the place to think big!
What are your Blue Sky ideas and hopes for yourself in 2018? Nobody is going to hold you to what you say -- we've been partying for a long time, after all! But just stretching to say what you want can be powerful. Even putting practicality aside, saying what you want is the first step to things actually happening.
Let me know in the comments below, what your Blue Sky ideas and hopes are for yourself in 2018. Or if you made a post about your 2018 hopes and ideas, leave the link in the comments. I'll select 2 random winners of 2 SBD each. That's 4 SBD total. If you want your potential prize to go to @blacklux, let me know in the comments.
What am I looking forward to? Unconstrained by how I will make it happen?
OK, here goes! I want to grow 1000 pounds of food for my local food bank. I want to help 1000 people connect with their local wild plants, weeds, and mushrooms. I want to create an online foraging course that's not like anything out there now. It will have activities for people to do. And people will enjoy eating weeds when they finish the course, lol. I want to post on Steemit every single doggone day in 2018! I'll go one step further -- I want to make 1000 posts on Steemit in 2018. Not comments, but actual posts. Interesting and helpful posts. So there. That's my Blue Sky hopes and ideas for 2018, on my 13th day of partying! Let's hear yours! :D
Gift Some SBD To @blacklux and I'll Match It 1-For-1!
Thanks, @ecoinstant, @kalemandra, and @mariannewest, for your SBD gifts to @blacklux to help out with her hurricane recovery. I can still match 42 -- 42! - more SBD, so let me know when you've made a transfer to @blacklux! I make my 1-for-1 match as soon as you let me know you helped out!
If You Are New to the BLACKLUX Party
If you just arrived, that's just fine -- you're not too late! You can get your party started with some Holiday Music That Will Get You Moving! Then you can grab some Holiday Cookies or stop by the Hors D'ouevres and Snack Buffet. Then swing on over the Party Bar - the drinks are free! There's a big table for Making Holiday Cards, while you Share Your Holiday Memories. You can join a group to Sing Christmas Carols, too. And then head over to the makeshift stage to the Holiday Poetry Slam and tell jokes at the Laugh-Off. If you work up an appetite, there's some good food at the Holiday Potluck Dinner. After that great meal, we're getting more laid back, listing to mellow acoustic and folk music and sharing what we are grateful for in 2017.
Why We're Having a BLACKLUX Party
It's the season for holiday parties. Steemit needs a party! And hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated Puerto Rico. Our friend, @blacklux, is living through the mess -- still! You can read more about the party in the BLACKLUX Party Post No. 1. I hope you stop by @blacklux's blog, too, with some holiday cheer and upvotes!