THE BIG REVEAL for the Guessing Game: Ten facts about me and one lie

Big Reveal for Guessing Game.jpg

This was so much fun! Big, huge thanks to everyone who hazarded a guess, and a special thank you to @meanmommy33 and all the sweethearts in #steemsugars for getting the word out, and jumping in with their own guessing games!

Speaking of, here are some of the games that are still open for guesses:

Here's the list of everyone's guesses, in the order they were received:

@tonygreene113 - 6
@matbaker - 9
@light90 - 1
@tarotbyfergus - 2
@tamala - 2
@puppetmaster1111 - 10
@trendo - 7
@didic - 8
@notimetospace - 6
@meanmommy33 - 2
@keciah - 8
@jusipassetti - 3
@frequency50 - 9
@chr7is - 11
@derekrichardson - 5
@lynncoyle1 - 8
@briancourteau - 11
@inalittlewhile - 7
@jaynie - 9
@wealth4good - 11
@princessmewmew - 8
@ameliabartlett - 4
@kerlund74 - 7
@bluefinstudios - They're all true and the lie is that one of them is a lie! (LOL!)
@gabyoraa - 3
@azkaalqhifari - 4
@redrica - 11
@seyiodus - 7
@soyrosa - 8
@anarchojeweler - 7
@smylie2005 - 10
@yoram - 10

Total guesses - 32

One last thing before I reveal the winner - here's the skinny on all the facts/lie:


  1. My first piece of writing was published when I was six.
    FACT - it was a short poem published in a local newspaper contest. My mother entered me into it, and I still have the clipping somewhere - for the longest time, I thought I'd won just because it was in the paper!

  2. In high school, I worked in a castle as a tour guide.
    FACT - Hammond Castle Museum, which is only about a mile from my childhood home in Magnolia, MA (part of Gloucester).

  3. I took ballet for nine years and wanted to be a prima ballerina (before boobs/hips).
    FACT - I quit when my ballet teacher started saying things like, "suck in your stomach, Cavanaugh - I can see all the donuts you ate for breakfast."

  4. I only had two serious relationships before I met my husband (third time's a charm!).
    LIE - while I briefly dated a handful of guys throughout high school and college (we're talking like at most, two dates), my husband was my first serious relationship! We've now been together for 31 years - take that, everyone who thought I just fell for the first guy who came along... LOL!

  5. When I was five years old, I was in a movie.
    FACT - again, thanks to my mother, in 1970 (although the copyright on the link says '73) I appeared briefly at the end of the film "The Gloucestermen." I still have the Betamax tape around somewhere (probably next to the newspaper clipping).

  6. A guy from Paris wrote a song for me, but I've never heard it played.
    FACT - during a 1984 visit to Paris, a guy I met (and went on a couple dates with) mailed me a song he'd written for me, but I never got around to having someone play it for me.

  7. When I was born, the doctor told my mother I had double eyelashes.
    FACT - my mother said (thanks to the lovely drugs in the 60s) that it was the only thing she remembered the doc saying immediately after I was born (and for some reason, she thought it meant he was trying to be nice because I had a huge nose or something!) Not sure I have the actual genetic mutation, but my lashes are decently thick.

    Cropped picture of me as a kid to show my lashes.jpg
    Cropped shot of me as a kid, taken by my dad

  8. I grew up in a fishing community and in a cruel twist of fate, I'm allergic to shellfish.
    FACT - and I didn't figure it out until I was 18, whilst eating a huge plate of shrimp cocktail, when my bottom lip puffed up like someone punched me.

  9. I met Elizabeth Montgomery (Samantha from Bewitched).
    FACT - In 1970, the cast was in the Cape Ann area filming 3 episodes (including "Darrin on a Pedestal"). I don't remember what she said to me (my mom told me later it was, "She has beautiful eyes") but I remember staring up at her in awe. I also remember seeing Darrin/Dick Sargent dressed as the Gloucester Fisherman. Oh, and the episode (season 7, ep 5) also includes some footage of the aforementioned Hammond Castle.

  10. I met my husband while I was shopping for office chairs.
    FACT - In July 1987, I walked into Tom Ray Office Supply in Dover NH (which no longer exists) to buy new chairs for my dad's office. Jim was the salesman who helped me order them. We moved in together in August 1987, and have been together ever since.

  11. I've been granted immunity by a judge in exchange for my testimony.
    FACT - In 2004, we (Jim & I) turned our neighbor in for a terrible crime. However because of the circumstances (we were sharing internet with them), the prosecution insisted we be granted immunity by the judge before we testified, to prevent any possible retaliatory actions by the defense.

Now for the big moment!

The winner is...

Drum roll, please...


No, like the drum roll sound, please...


Come on, you know what I mean!


Okay, thank you! And the winner is,

Amelia Bartlett (@ameliabartlett) with the first guess of #4!


Well done, Amelia! Your prize of $0.500 SBD should already be in your wallet (I sent it just prior to posting this). Congratulations and thanks again to everyone!

This was so enjoyable that I might even do this again in a few weeks -in the meantime, I'll be keeping an eye on the #tenfactsonelie so I can make some guesses of my own!

Photo property of: Traci York
Blog graphics: created on Canva

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