A Quick Tour to British Museum - The British are not returning the china collections to China! 大英博物馆的中国展区就是最好的爱国主义教育基地

If you ever come to UK, you have to visit London. If you visit London, the British Museum is the place of interests that you can't miss. The British Museum opened from 1753 and currently, there are more than 8 billion works. 

It opens daily from 10:00 to 17:30 except 24-26/Dec and Jan 1st. The near-by underground are: Goodge Street, Tottenham Court, Holborn, Russel Square. It takes 10 min walk from the underground.

The Britain was known as "The empire that does not have sunset".  Many countries in the world were used to be ruled by British. The British took many many works from China when they invaded China. 

However, till today: The British are not returning the china collections that belong to China! 

There are so many collections that you can't visit them once all, and below are mostly from China section.

来英国一定得去伦敦, 来伦敦一定得去看大英博物馆. 这简直是爱好博物馆的天堂. 大英博物馆是免费可以参观的, 每年除了圣诞节12月份24-26号和元旦1月1号不开门, 其余每天的开门时间是早上10点到下午5点半. 

 大英博物馆可以在这几站地铁口下: Goodge Street, Tottenham Court, Holborn, Russel Square. 相对来说还是比较方便, 下了地铁口走路10分钟就到了. 

 大英博物馆的中国展区就是最好的爱国主义教育基地: 因为当年日不落帝国从世界各地抢夺了很多财宝, 其中中国就很多被英国据为已有 至到今日都不送还. 大英博物馆很大, 成立于1753年 目前一共收藏800多万件(由于空间限制还有很多很多未被公开展出) 

 我们这次就侧重看了中国展区, 大多是一些瓷器. 不得不说, 当年八国联军英国可没少拿. 今日中英关系还算友好, 放在英国也能让方便海外的华人时不时的去受一下爱国教育, 不要忘记自己是中国人. 


 埃及展区 African 

 埃及展区 African 

 中国展区 – 瓷器 


 碗 和茶壶 


















 媳妇 @happyukgo 馆内留影

不得不说 孩子还太少, 带着孩子并不能完全尽兴, 多数时候只能走马观花的看. 

 孩子太小完全对此不感兴趣 The kids are too young to enjoy the Museum.

孩子这次完全不感兴趣, 那你们能猜猜孩子们在做什么呢? 

 你知道孩子们在干嘛?  What are the kids doing?

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原创首发 SteemIt, 非常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容.  


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