The best way to travel to London? 怎么样去伦敦游玩更方便省钱?

My family recently come to UK for a short visit and travelling to London is a big problem. We have 6 adults and 3 children so here are three ways to travel to London for tourism.

  1. My wife @happyukgo and me drive two cars to London directly... but My wife is afraid of the London traffic (full of bus lanes and traffic cameras), also, the parking fee in London is expensive and it is hard to find parking slots sometimes.
  2. We live in Cambridgeshire, we can drive 20 minutes to Huntingdon and take trains directly (1 hour duration) to London Kings Cross.  It costs roughly 30 pounds per adult including the London zones (1-6). However, if you book in advance, it might be cheaper. It costs 150 pounds for 6 adults and 3 kids, if you book at least 1 week in advance. On weekdays, it is expensive, around 230 pounds.
  3. We decide to drive to Brent Cross Shopping Center, which is the only shopping center that provides free parking (8000+). It takes around 1 and half hour driving and 10 minutes walking from the car park to the nearest Brent Cross underground. It costs around 6 pounds per adult (kids are free, but need accompanied by 1 adult) for London underground. It takes around 30 minutes from Brent Cross (Northern Line) to central of London.

London is expensive, but if you stop at some places not far from London, and travel by train, this might save you a lot!

可能最近看我朋友圈的朋友都知道 我姐(亲姐), 姐夫, 侄子还有爸妈一起来英国旅游. 姐和姐夫只待一周, 所以我和媳妇各请假一周到处游玩. 

 除了温莎城堡, 伦敦是个必去的地方, 6个大人3个小孩(其中侄子7岁) 英国火车票5岁到15岁可以买童票. 我们琢磨了一下, 主要有以下几种方案. 


我开一辆车 我媳妇一辆, 然后直接开车2个半小时进伦敦市区. 但是这种方案最难, 因为伦敦市区很拥堵 而且单行道 Bus Lane 很多. 我媳妇 @happyukgo 是新手司机而且有点惧怕开长途车. 

 另一个问题就是得交进伦敦得交进城费 也就是拥堵费 (Congestion Charge), 一天11.5英镑. 伦敦有数千个交通摄像头 只要你进了城就肯定会被拍到, 然后系统里就能查你是否交了进城费, 你有24个小时时间补交如果没有交就会有罚单寄来. 

 伦敦的市中心停车极为不易, 而且动不动就得十几英镑的停车费, 其实并没有坐地铁来得方便.

开车到 HUNTINGDON 然后坐火车

 离家(剑桥郡) 东边开车20分钟有一个 Huntingdon 火车站, 从那坐火车一个小时到伦敦市中心 Kings Cross 国王火车站. 车票大概是30多英镑一人一天包伦敦地铁. 提前买的话, 周末便宜大概是150英镑6个大人一小孩, 平时周一到周五大概是230英镑. 

 停Huntingdon的车费大概一天6英镑.  通用方式就是 开车到伦敦周围较近的火车站 然后停车 然后坐火车进伦敦. 

开车到伦敦 BRENT CROSS停车场 然后坐地铁

但最后面选择开车1个半小时到伦敦的 Brent Cross 购物中心, 因为Brent Cross 购物中心的停车场是伦敦唯一一个免费的而且有8000多个的大型停车场. 我和媳妇 @happyukgo 开车过去一停, 无后顾之忧, 走10分钟就能到最近的 Brent Cross 地铁口 坐北(黑)线 (North Line) 半个小时就能到市中心. 然后通过自助机器购买伦敦 Oyster 地铁卡, 充个10块钱, 单程2.8英镑, 封顶每天是6英镑左右. 

 而且开车到 Brent Cross 并不用交进城费. 

 伦敦 tottenham 地铁站一景 

 媳妇 @happyukgo 在伦敦

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