Puns. They are so great. They are the best. You cannot believe how important puns are to humanity. This is Punday Monday 29. Rejoice.

First, a video of my adorable child getting a knuckle sandwich.


Happy Punday, everybody!

I hope you all made and are keeping resolutions that will change the world for the better.

Here's the entries from last week:


As you all know by now, I recommend my own post on punning for learning how to make them. If you're new here, check it out, and become the most popular one at family gatherings. (their groans are groans of love)

It's time.

Let's see how the popular vote (as decided by POCKET sending) shook out:
Looks like @doctorcrypto wins, thanks to a POCKET vote by @paul.atreides! Our POCKET choice winner's circle currently holds @chrisroberts, @stinawog, @doctorcrypto, @heroic15397, @littlescribe and @paul.atreides.

Also, the good doctor wins an upvote from me and a @tipu tip! My upvotes are worth more than a quarter, folks! You can play an 80s arcade game easy!

And the Best Video Pun Submission goes to...
No one! Recent players may not have realized, but there's a category for best pun submitted in the form of a video of you, telling the joke. Seeing as there's not a lot of competition, it's a good way to get on the board!

And the Best Pun Overall goes to....


She's killing it! punresolutionfishy.JPG

And a special commendation to @amos-robinson for support!

While we're all paying attention to her, head on over and check out... wait... Well, @fishyculture was running a contest that was punishingly hard. But it looks like there was, at long last, a winner. Maybe she'll do another. Here was the first: @fishyculture/new-prize-on-my-quick-challenge-now-5-sd-only-3-days-left

She also wins an upvote and @tipu tip! Send me a link!

Time for another holiday themed one!

This one is for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which we celebrate in the U.S.A. to remind us that we must be active and vigilant in opposing oppression, and we should remember the battles fought of yesteryear and not allow the gains of the civil rights movement to be eroded. Indeed, Viva la Resolution! ;) I see you, @doctorcrypto.

For example,
What did Mr. and Mrs. Little's son say after Myrlie Williams was named in an alphabetical list of civil rights leaders?
Answer in video...

"mmm I'll come next. "


(and oh yeah, everybody wins! An upvote for every single pun. And if you want to publish your pun and just send me a link, that works, too!)

Shoutout of pride! Our good doctor won another joke contest! Practice makes perfect! @haphazard-hstead/the-blacklux-party-prizes-and-surprises-for-days-1-7-thanks-to-all-the-party-goers

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