The BLACKLUX Party - Prizes and Surprises for Days 1-7! Thanks to All the Party-goers!

What a party! Find out who's taking home prizes - and how you can still win, too. And help a fellow Steemian recover from Hurricanes Irma and Maria -- that's the whole point of the BLACKLUX Party! I'm matching gits to @blacklux, 1-for-1, up to 50 SBD total! So I'm glad you're here to help and have some fun!

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Is The Party Over? No Way - There Is Still Plenty of Fun!

If you just arrived, that's just fine -- you're not too late! As @ddschteinn pointed out in his great Schteinn Report about the BLACKLUX Party, some party-goers may show up late and others may hang on until January 8 -- when the last party post finally pays out. So half of the posts are still within their payout period. It's not too late to get in on the BLACKLUX Party fun!

This post is my first attempt at party clean-up - a quick go-round to pick up all the empty glasses, plates, and silverware. And to shoo the cat off the snack buffet! I've got PRIZES to hand out, too, from the first half of the party! There are extra surprises being handed out, too, so keep reading!

On January 9, I'll do the final party clean-up and distribute the rest of the prizes. So there is still time to win prizes and make a gift to @blacklux to help recover from hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico.

How The Party Started - Days 1 to 7

The party started with some Holiday Music To Get In the Party Spirit! We had Holiday Cookies, an Hors D'ouevres and Snack Buffet, and a well-stocked Party Bar - the with free drinks! There was a craft table for Making Holiday Cards, while shared their Holiday Memories. And then everyone sang Christmas Carols. And that was just in the first half of the BLACKLUX Party!!!

The Party Goes On and On! You Can Still Win Prizes, Too!

You can still head over to the makeshift stage to the Holiday Poetry Slam and tell jokes at the Laugh-Off. If you work up an appetite, there's still plenty of good food at the Holiday Potluck Dinner. After that great meal, head to the back room to listen to mellow music, and share what we are grateful for in 2017 and our big dreams for 2018. Let us all know when you get home from the party, safe and sound, by posting what 2018 looks like around you.

Why We're Having a BLACKLUX Party

It's the season for holiday parties. Steemit needs a party! And hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated Puerto Rico. Our friend, @blacklux, is living through the mess -- still!

Gift SBD To @blacklux and I'll Match It 1-For-1!

For the party, I am matching gifts to @blacklux, 1-for-1, up to 50 SBD over the whole party. I can still match 41 -- 41! - more SBD, so let me know when you've made a transfer to @blacklux! I make my 1-for-1 match as soon as you let me know you helped out!

How To Transfer SBD to @blacklux

If you haven't transferred and SBD to anyone before, it's easy! Here's an old post by @steemrollin that shows step-by-step How to Transfer SBD to Someone. You will need your Active Password to do it. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below!

Who Won Prizes? Lots of People -- Lots!!

Over 7 days of the BLACKLUX Party, there were 9 ways to win prizes. There were generous gifts to @blacklux. And I've got some special prizes to hand out, too. So let's get started!

Party Contests

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Day 1: A random drawing for 1 SBD from people adding to the party music playlist. The winner: @ecoinstant - check your wallet!

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Day 2: A random drawing for 1 SBD for bringing Holiday Cookies. The winner is: @mariannewest - check your wallet!

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Day 3: A random drawing for 1 SBD for bringing Hors D'ouevres and Snacks. The winner is: @melinda010100 - check your wallet!

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Day 4: A random drawing for 1 SBD for bringing drinks to stock the Party Bar. There were so many great drinks, non-alcoholic and ones with a wallop, too! The winner is: @barbara-orenya - check your wallet! Also, @ninahaskin made a super smoothie, just for the BLACKLUX party. So here's a thank you 1 SBD, @ninahaskin - check your wallet!

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Day 5: A random drawing for 2 SBD for making a holiday card making a holiday card with my poor little Christmas tree. And 1 SBD for correctly guessing what I used to make the ornaments for the little tree. Only @tesscook4u made a card with my little tree in it -- and it is a great card! And, only @tesscooks4u guessed at my ornaments, but her guesses (cotton silk and a red-beaded necklace) were wrong. What were they? I foraged them, of course! Kitty-cat fur and asparagus berries that I strung on thread! For venturing a guess at all, @tesscooks4u wins again. Check your wallet for 3 SBD of holiday card prizes, @tesscooks4u!

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Day 6: A random drawing of 1 SBD for sharing a favorite holiday memory. With 4 entries, the winner is: @melinda010100 - check your wallet!

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Day 7: A random drawing of 1 SBD for adding to a Christmas carol playlist. And 5 SBD for adding an original performance of a Christmas carol. Nobody added an original performance. But the playlist has 5 contributions from 4 people. The winner is: @melinda010100 - check your wallet!

Recovery Funds for @blacklux

I used to track the 50:50 distribution of each post's author payout. I transferred each post's SBD author rewards to @blacklux as it paid out. Over Days 1-7, the BLACKLUX Party posts paid out 14.914 SBD.

Three people generously donated to @blacklux's recovery funds in the first 7 days of the party: @ecoinstant, @kalemandra, and @mariannewest -- 9 SBD total. I matched that for a total of 18 SBD.

So, for the first half of the BLACKLUX Party, that's 32.914 SBD already sent to @blacklux. At recent SBD values, that's real money -- for a real person with real needs. It's great being able to help out another Steemian this way. Thank you, upvoters and contributors!

You can still make SBD transfers to @blacklux and I will match them, 1-for-1, until the Day 14 post closes. Don't let my remaining 41 SBD go unused!!! :O

Special Prizes

I want to thank everyone for coming to my BLACKLUX Party. I know you have many other things you could be doing. I enjoyed getting to know some new friends, too. Here are some special prizes:

For being the most consistent upvoters in support of the BLACKLUX Party - never missing a vote for all 7 days of the party, here's 1 SBD for each of you: @carrinm, @ddschteinn, and @ewkaw. Check your wallets!

For being the special few to contribute to the first day of the party, here's 1 SBD for each of you: @uwelang, @ecoinstant, and @ddschteinn. Check your wallets!

For being the first person to transfer SBD to @blacklux, here's 1 SBD: @ecoinstant. Thanks for being so quick to be generous! Check your wallet!

What's Next? -- Keep Partying! Over At the BLACKLUX Party!

The BLACKLUX Party for Days 8-14 continues until the last post pays out on January 8. I hope you have some fun in those posts! And I hope you stop by @blacklux's blog, too, with some new year cheer and upvotes! See you at the BLACKLUX Party! :D :D

Haphazard Homestead

foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead!
My YouTube channel: Haphazard Homestead

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