The Schteinn Report: Big-Time Party Update ~ The @blacklux Party ~ Put On By @haphazard-hstead ~ "It's Still Going On, Folks, Only A Couple More Days To Go, So Head On Over" ~ All Original Everything, Except What Isn't Mine

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~Sixth Edition ~

The Schteinn Report -- A Real News Report For The Real People Of The Real World Of Steemit

For All The News That Ought To Be News

"Tired of Fake News and Alternative Facts? - No Worries, We'll Make It Up To You"

Welcome, to the Sixth Edition of 'The Schteinn Report'

Brought To You By: Variable Productions Limited

This one is: 'On The Vine'

Rating: ᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥ - 10/10 !
(Happy heads @ the theater)

Recommendation: You Really Should Head On Over And Check Out This Happenin' Party Scene!

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It's Still Going On Folks. Head On Over And Check Out The Party Of The Year -- Before It's Too Late

Going On For Two and a Half More Days !!!

The @blacklux 14 Day Holiday Party -- 'Opening Day' Post:

"Party Hearty Like It's Twenty-Aught-Seventeen"

Photo: Taken From @haphazard-hstead 's Original Post [Go Here] -- All Images Within Used With Permission

What 'Tis This Party Thing?

Well, as I always say, if you want to get right to the poultry and potatoes of something, go straight to the chicken in the tater patch. So, to quote from @haphazard-hstead a couple of weeks ago:

"Hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated Puerto Rico. Our friend, @blacklux, is living through the mess -- still! I've wanted to help out, but wasn't sure how."

And what better way to help out a friend and fellow Steemitian, than to throw a party. A BIG party, with all sorts of activities that anyone out there can participate in to help out.

And has there ever been a whole monkey-barrel-full-of-fun activities going on in these last couple of weeks. All intended to add to the holiday party, and also toss a bit of cash into the mix as well.

And's almost OVER. But no reason to full-tilt bum your mellow! There's still time to jump on in and show a flurry of activity at the end. Think of it like sprinting to the finish line at the very end of an 1800 meter steeple-chase. One last, big push of energy, before the classic photo finish. Smile!

Here is a re-cap of the activities that have been going on this past 1.743 weeks:

Christmas Memories

[Memories Post]

Holiday Sing-Along

[Holiday Music Post]

Make A Holiday Card

[Holiday Card Post]

Mellow Music

[Music-To-Relax-To Post]

Christmas Snacks

[Hors D'oeuvres and Snacks Post]

Jokes and Riddles and Such

[Joke Post]

My joke for the party:
"Why did Santa Clause cross the road on Christmas eve night? "

  • "He didn't, he was up in the air."

Party Drinks

[Party Drinks Post]


[Holiday Cookies Post]

Deep Holiday Reflections

[Gratitude Post]

Party Potluck

[Potluck Post]

Poetry Slam

[Poetry Post]

I've included some poetry I just wrote for this part of the party here.
Mainly because I can:

This Santa Claus,
he came to town,
riding on his pony.
As taped-on antlers,
in the "Reindeer Store, "
made the Great-Dane dogs look phony.


The Schteinn Report

"Old Fashioned Christmas Parties in the Making -- The Way Parties Are Supposed To Be Made " -dds

Thanks for stopping in, to get a balcony-side view of a really great two week party, with an incredible-y great idea at the epicenter of the party core. Nothing like a rollicking bunch of fun, to help out a fellow person of Steem.

Thanks so much to @haphazard-hstead for thinking of @blacklux, and putting on this Holiday Hootenanny in response. Here's to hoping for a better year than this last one, and lookkng forward to more joy and fun and Steemit activities in 2018.

There's One At Every Party

Poste Script:

Parties seem to attract a lot of people. And there are two basic types visiting these things:
(1): The Dishes-Do'er. The person or persons that stay on long after the party is over, and help clean the place up.
(2) The Lampshade -- The person(s) who hang around longer than a bad winter cold.
Over the years, I'm been known to occasionally 'over-stay' my welcome at parties and get-together's. Particularly if there is Holiday Punch in the mix. And this year will probably be no different.

I'm not sure if @haphazard-hstead has thought of this or not...but there are 7 more days BEYOND the end-day of this party, which ends on January 1st, to still imbibe. And help make a difference.

AND, in keeping within my historical perspective, I'll probably be found somewhere tangled in the living-room curtains, stuffed behind the divan, more than likely with said lampshade over my head, and a huge, goofy smile on my face. At least until the 8th of or so of January. Or until someone invites me to leave and please go home.

So, let's all get jiggy with it, folks, and party some more till early-to-early-mid January. Big Time, "like it's twenty-aught-eighteen."
Be there or be ■

~ Finto ~

~ ( : ~

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A Huge Shout Out, with a reporter's official megaphone goes to @ocrdu for designing and creating this wonderful credential (above) for The Schteinn Report. Not only is it gorgeous and well developed, but I now have access and entry into places I'm probably not supposed to be. ( I really appreciate @ocrdu creating this card for me, as I've been waiting for MONTHS for my 'Official Reporters Card' from The Newcastle Online Reporting School Of Pretty Good Journalism -Apollo Beach, FL. They have not been returning my calls, it seems they have moved to a new address.)

Thanks for stopping in and viewing the @blacklux party put on by @haphazard-hstead. If you have any thoughts about Christmas parties, contests, reading poetry to good music while eating Christmas cookies in deep, historical-holiday thought, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 12/31/2017

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

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