day nine M.O.L.A.A. molaaspaingaroo daily love and steem dollar giveaway
today's contest post.
after yesterday's excitement, with sending out the first prize to come of my comp so far.
@marty-art and his wonderful image got two whole SBD to go wild with.
I decided that 2 sbd will be the prize, although these posts are clearly gathering in far less than that.
If I can keep it up I sure these posts will eventually pay out something a little more worthwhile.
And my original idea will become valid again.
But I can't send someone 0.20 cents, or less. 30% of 0.43, no hang on, it was 34 cents for me.
Even I have some shame.
Very, very little to be sure, but there's some lurking in there somewhere.
To clarify, I think that there ways to act that are acceptable in society etc. I have just found that deliberately working on pushing the envelope has helped me have plenty of experiences and opportunities that I wouldn't have had by being timid.
anyhow, that said, back to the prize
I realise that 2.000 SBD is still an embarrassingly small amount, but it's the best I can do.
for the moment.
Anything I can achieve is for sharing back, once the dog food is sorted.
but we can build up to more little by little.
Thanks again @marty-art
What to say about today's spread?
I see a couple of great titles, which are also unused, as of this moment.
"Best of British Burial Poles"
starting from scratches
I _do_amuse my self.
I do have a burial poles work, made of truck and tractor airfilters. Here you can see them in my studio at QUT
It was later installed in the infamous Boggo Road Gaol in a cell with a large aboriginal flag graffitied on the wall, unfortunately almost invisible in this, the only image I have of this installation. Perhaps some other images exist somewhere on the web.
It was a large public exhibition to make the closing of this haunted place.
I can see looking at my CV online that it was called CV "Aberrant Original / Abhorrent Unoriginal Memorial", and anyway being from 1996, predates this sketchbook by about 16 years.
(I apologise for the image quality, as they are scanned from slides. Maybe I will try re-scanning them yet, as I do have a different scanner now)
back to the present moment
Basically, the images you see on the sketchbook page are from the design stage for my first set of "business" cards, specifically for two of the final eight or ten designs.
also I can see that I was trying to memorise the names of students in some group or other.
I know actually that Lorena, Inma, Javier, Oscar and Jose were from a group at the offices of FCC, a big Spanish construction consortium.
How can I remember that? Well, Lorena was (is?) one of the finest looking women walking the planet, so that made it all the more memorable.
However, I can usually remember most people I ever gave classes too.
Indeed most people I have ever met for any reason.
Although if her name hadn't been written down, she would just be Un-named Spanish Goddess #n +1 (where _n_is the number of incredible Spanish women I had fallen in love with up to that moment) ;)
And as you can see, I was very professional as an English Teacher, and even in the privacy of my own notebook, I made no note of the aforementioned fact.
But Lorena, if you are reading this now, I LOVE YOU
long time
I somehow doubt she'll be reading this.
but maybe she's been stalking me ever since. I just haven't noticed yet.
She'll only be after my money of course.
Well, that's enough silliness for now.
I hope you find some inspiration in today's post, if indeed you are lacking in same.
I can't imagine such a thing, but anyhows
I'll find some images of my business cards derived from the above.
I actually redrew these same designs carefully in biro on a clean sheet of good paper, then scanned and manipulated later.
and in another variation, digitally manipulated
and the other one
well, that's enough of that!
bye for now and big hugs
for the rules and regulations you can go here @spaingaroo/m-o-l-a-a-molaaspaingaroo-long-post-to-serve-as-permalink-for-rules-and-regs.
long post but short version is, that I am asking for creative interpretations of any aspect of my image , in any medium or creative endeavour. Including, but not limited too, visual mediums of any type, creative writing, even poetry!
performance video, whatever, make your self a full length feature film.
The sky is the limit.
your creations remain your work. Post, and then comment here and link. Use the tag molaaspaingaroo.
Winner takes 30% y artist's choice twenty. (minimum 2.000 SBD until further notice)
big hugs to all.
links to the previous days contest pages, those still open.
day four
day five
day six
day seven
day eight