Sketchbook Day 2- Personalizing the Blog

Where are the dragons?!

This post is about an idea how to make your posts stand out.
Well this post has inspired me to try something new today and share it with you.

-Customizing posts with separators -


I think its a neat and simple way to make your blog stand out. Especially if most of the blog is text. And it is simple enough for everyone to try.

I began with an A4 page set vertically, you can work on smaller format and mirror the final result to achieve the long strip.

Use a ruler to set borders, I made most of mine 1 cm in height. You can use a pencil to erase the lines later, or use anything else you like. Then fill in between the borders however you like- color pencils, ink, acrylics, paper collage, glitter...

It's a good idea to work on a few variations so you can pick your favorites in the end, or use them all interchangeably.

line final.jpg

Well nearly, afterwards you have to scan or photo it. Crop the outer edges and adjust your contrast, maybe even colorize.

If you don't like to get messy, or would like to use your photographs you can always work digitally.

A preview how it looks like in a post: Dragons Part 2

You will see the rest of the separators in my following posts.
This is a basic guideline, there are no rules, go crazy with it :D
Let me know in the comments if you tried it as well and share your results!
Don't forget to comment and follow -

line final.jpg

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