I asked multidisciplinary artists to submit their genre-bending art work to me, and boy did they deliver! I was blown away by the 12 strong entries in the first Art Mix-Up Contest.
This challenge called for art that mixed genres, broke expectations, or tried to contribute something new to art forms that have been around for a long time. (FYI: All images from Unsplash)
To recap, here are the rules:
(1) Create a post sharing a piece of your own work (or a collaboration you played a key role in) that mixes 2 or more artistic genres! This might mean sharing a video, an image, writing, a sound clip, or something else (who knows!).
(2) Write at least 100 words describing the work and the artistic techniques at play
(3) Drop the link to your entry in the comments. This is the only way I accepted submissions!
(2) Extra credit: I’m always very interested in seeing documentation of your artistic process, and will award “extra credit” accordingly!
The winner is taking home 3sbd and 2 runner-ups are taking home 1sbd each. So, without further ado...
First place and 3sbd go to steemit newcomer @Zailecita, for her beautiful post: Intervención de cuerpo con poema.
@Zailecita truly delivers it all with this project. First, a beautiful poem, then an incredible photographic record of her work that uses natural elements to highlight human connection to ocean, moon, and land.
What is more, she writes beautifully (in Spanish, I took the time to translate and understand every word I was so captured by this project!) about her holistic process of documenting this writing as an intimate photographic journal. She is new here, and I would LOVE it if you would consider following her--she is someone who deserves to go far!
A runner-up slot and 1sbd go to @mandelsage for his incredible post: A Gift for My Brothers - Science/Maths meets Visual Art meets Creative Writing - Entry for Lily's Mixed Genre Contest.
@Mandelsage blew me away with two incredible images that he created for his brothers at the intersection of fractal design and creative writing. I can’t stop looking at his work because the layers of detail are mind-boggling. He is an extremely thoughtful, skilled artist who you should follow if you aren’t already!
Even more exciting, this post got an upvote from @curie! I will say that this post is on par with the quality I’ve seen from @mandelsage since I first started following him! I’m excited for the success of this post, and thrilled that the quality of work showing up for this contest is on this level!
A runner-up slot and 1sbd go to @huslein.slash for his post: How to Draw with Mixed Media Make Up Tools, Colored Pencils And Crayons (Bilingual)
@Huslein.slash hit it home for me with this masterpiece post that is an art tutorial done right in every way. Not only does he show incredibly detailed process photos, he also has a clear easy-to-follow writing styles in 2 languages! And, to cap it all off, he includes a video tutorial of the entire process at the very end of the post.
Although the art he makes is lovely, I really can’t get over the high-quality of documentation he is employing. I find myself wishing that more artists would follow suit! Follow him for more tutorials, everything he publishes is of exceptional value.
And there you have it! My TOP THREE ART-MIXERS!
Be sure to check out all of the other worthy entries!
The Ballad of Fred and Ed by @hope-k
Stepping Outside the Dream by @jey-blue
And then I got a smack. by @anjkara
ESCAPISM by @mrbloom
Be proud of what you do by @ehisoria
Life of a Fish (Visual Poem) by @doctorlawyerjr
TV effects by @heathtyler
Lesbian Zombies from Outer Space by @jpgaltmiller
This was so much fun I’ll be doing it again! Check out the ART MIX-UP CONTEST | 02.