Loving Parents Despair - Video interview with Jill and Harold who had their two children stolen by the state. Part 2

There are not many parents who have the courage to tell their story when their children are taken into care. But there are exceptions like Jill and Harold whose two children have been taken by the Social Services on false allegations of alcohol and drugs abuse. You can read the first part of their story here.


The two children, a 2 year old boy and a 3 year old girl, were almost immediately put up for adoption. Even before the final decision in their case was made. In part 2 of this video interview Jill and Harold discuss:

  • Why the SS don't look after children who do need extra care
  • That they (the parents) have a catalog at home which advertises their children
  • How they tried to trick the parents into signing blanc forms

And many other wrongdoings that show that the SS cannot be brought to account and gets away with anything.

What follows is not a transcript of the video but a general outline of their story as told by the parents.

This is a system (SS or CPS) that supposed to help. But it’s not. There are plenty of families where the children do need care. Where the children go outside with no shoes on picking up the bread for the birds and eating it. While the parents are doing drugs and alcohol and don’t take care of the children. Why doesn’t the SS step in and help these children? Because the SS considers them to be damaged goods, not that easy to sell.

When the parents still had contact with the children they were told by the SS that they were not allowed to take pictures any more or record them. Why? To protect the children? So that no images of the children are shared on the internet?

But there is actually an adoption catalogue out there where the adoptees can pick a child. The children of Jill and Harold are in that catalogue as well. The girl is shown in a sunny meadow and the advert tells that she has strong facial features and a nice smile. It tells about the colour of her eyes and the colour of her hair. The boy is shown in nice field and the advert also describes him in the same manner.

So why were the parents not allowed to take anymore pictures? Are they afraid that the parents will put an advert out, to sell them as quickly as possible? Because that is what the SS does.

But the children don’t look happy on those photographs, they are not smiling. They even put out Harold’s facial features and that Jill has a nice smile. They describe them in full so that the future parents will know how the children will look like when they get older. Whether they’ll be pretty or ugly.

Harold and Jill found out that their daughter, while in care, had a medical condition for three months that they were never informed about. They were informed by the SS the day before their daughter was going on holiday for two weeks. So the parents were absolutely on pins for two weeks whether their daughter would be ok or not.

The day after they removed the children Jill received a phone call from SS. They needed the parents permission to get passports for the children because they were going on holiday next month. Jill was furious and obviously declined. But the SS told her that that was no problem, they would simply take it to court and get somebody else to sign it.

The audacity of these people has no limits. They asked Harold to sign a blanc adoption medical form saying that they would fill it in later. Of course Harold refused to sign it. The SS took them to court and apparently it’s ok not to sign the adoption medical because they can get somebody else to sign it anyway.

Jill and Harold now have no rights over the children. The foster carer decided to move the children from the parents local GP to a GP close to her. Without asking the parents permission. The parents don’t have access to the children medical records to see if they are treated for something because the children are not with their GP anymore.

The parents found out that their daughter spend a night in hospital but were never informed by the SS. The parents got an apology for that, the SS agreed that they should have told them. In Jill’s own words:

“It’s a bit bloody late Social Services. I should have been there at my daughters bedside, we both should and we wasn’t. Who’s there? A foster carer that doesn’t give a shit about her, who’s only in it for the money. My daughter would have been so scared that night.”

The three year old son has now a two inch scar on his forehead. According to the boy it’s because the son of the foster carer pushed him over. But according to the foster carer he was running and fell. The explanation from the foster carer is of course accepted by the SS. The boy also told his parents that the was allowed to play in the pond in the garden. The boy is three years old and should not be playing in the pond on his own. And this is acceptable?

The SS cannot be brought to account and even the SS ombudsman said that. Why not? Why are they allowed to keep doing this to children? This is the next generation of children they are messing up. And people think it’s bad with the country right now? Wait until next generation of children has grown up. They will have children and they will be taken into care as well.

Jill knows what she is talking about. She herself was brought up in the care system and so was her mother and her grandmother. She now fears that the children of her children will be taken from them as well. Because they were brought up in care and so it goes on and on.

But the SS is not just responsible for taking children into care. They are running every part of our society. When a husband wanted to take his wife on holiday, who was in elderly care, the SS told him no. The poor old man had to spend his money and go to court to ask the judge if he could take his wife on a little cruise. Luckily this judge gave the man permission.

The parents feel that they have been treated as scum. They feel that the children of the social workers should be taken away from them for a while so that they know how it feels. Then maybe they would not take so many children into care anymore. These social workers, but also the Cafcass workers and the judges, are only in it for the money

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The Social Services are in the schools, the hospitals, the prisons, the care systems for the elderly and the disabled. They are everywhere and are practically running this country (UK). They are all powerful and cannot be brought to account. They have their own lines into the police and the Secret family Courts and into the local authorities and government. Even when the elected counsellors investigate what’s going on within the Social Services, they are told that they don’t have a right to know because of the privacy of the child.

In the third and final part of this video interview Jill and Harold discuss:

  • How social workers are forced to falsify documents in order to get a child
  • That their computer was hacked and files were deleted
  • That the barrister tried to bribe them to agree to the judges decision and to the adoption of their children

I would like to thank @markwhittam and @canadian-coconut, who run @familyprotection for the great work they do to make this community unstoppable. It's my hope that FP will become one of the biggest, strongest and most supportive communities on Steemit. Thank you for this great initiative.

Much love,



Ps. 50% of the earnings of this post will be donated to @familyprotection

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