The Wishmonger, Part 15, links to other episodes

Before Roger could move to greet the old man a voice echoed through the library, “Eli? Eli! I know you’re here old man. I know you’re here, and I know what you’re up to.”

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The old man froze and silently blew out the light that came from an oil lantern he carried in his hand. He stepped back behind the stairs, almost on top of Roger.

“Won’t come out and play? Have it your way then! I’m warning you! I know what you and that boy are up to and I won’t stand for it, do you hear me? Eli? Goodbye!”

And with that, the voice was quiet followed by quick footsteps and a door slamming. Roger’s heart was pounding so hard he was certain Matthias must hear it!

The boy? Did the voice mean him?

Matthias seemed to be waiting for a moment then quickly turned and darted up the stairs into the hall of records. He paused in the door at the top of the stairs, looked nervously over his shoulder, and disappeared.

Roger sank to the floor in relief. That had been close. He didn’t know why but he had a feeling his friend Matthias would not have been pleased to see him in that moment. Speaking of friends! Joey was trapped in the basement of the library, awaiting rescue!

Roger stepped through the curtain before he dared turn on his light. He walked quickly to the end of the aisle where sunlight from a high dusty window relieved the darkness. He made his way to the elevator and threw open the doors.

It was a simple enough job to restore power, the key had been left, and he was soon on his way to rescue his friend.

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