The Day My City Stood-Still: Chapter 9 (Original)

The Road

You can read the previous chapters here:

Chapter 1- The Introduction
Chapter 2- The Taxi
Chapter 3- The Garment Factory
Chapter 4- The Materialist
Chapter 5- The Policeman
Chapter 6- The Brat Guitarist
Chapter 7- The Transport Company
Chapter 8- The Quest For Freedom


Calvin Pritish the “honest cop” and his neighbor Kyle Matthew the “corrupt cop”, both have reported to the police station at 7 AM, by the clock. The fatigue, as a result of last night’s duty, is evidently visible on the faces of both these gentlemen. Only difference being, the former was burning his midnight oil to keep the Bangalore city safe from thugs & criminals, whereas the latter spent his whole night safeguarding assets of a criminal itself. The criminal in this case was the owner of Martin’s Transport Company, Bucky Martin. *Due to the planned Presidential visit to the city this week, there has been a spike in the work load of the Bangalore Police Department and every cop has been putting in extra hours to regiment it.

One of their superiors summons both, Calvin & Kyle, together to his office. I have just been informed on the wireless that HRD Minister Mr. AS Anthony is going to address a public rally in the afternoon today. The area falls under our policing jurisdiction and that leaves us with the responsibility for its smooth functioning, without any undue event. Now coming to the point, I want you two to be deployed at the cross-section of the approach road, leading to the venue. When the HRD Minister’s convoy approaches your area, no other vehicle should get a passage through that road to ensure an unobstructed “VIP movement”. After receiving the instructions for the day, both of them board a police van and start for their destination. After a short drive of 10 minutes, here they are, at the all-important cross-section, from where a bulk load of people will pass through today, in order to get to the rally and not to mention the high profile “VIP movement”.

At the same time, Paul is also on the road, in Dave’s brand new taxi, trying to get to the Bangalore City Hospital as soon as possible. His father’s life is hanging in the balance and his timely arrival at the hospital has become the only link his between his father’s life and death. Enroute to hospital is the very cross-section where Calvin & Kyle have been deployed to manage the traffic. Dave is in the oblivion, with regard to a possible increase in the traffic on this route, as a result of the planned rally and a highly probable blockage of the road for a specified duration, to accommodate the “VIP movement”.

In his half drowsy senses Ebenezer is heading towards the delivery address given to him, on Bucky’s truck loaded with illegitimate “stuff”, not knowing that the route he has taken includes the road where police scrutiny has been ramped up due to the political rally. By the time Ebenezer could realize the gravity of the situation he is getting himself into, Calvin has already forced him to pull the truck over to the side of the road. The fright on Ebenezer’s face is telling a suspicious story, which a seasoned campaigner like Calvin can effortlessly read from a distance. What is there in the truck? Asks Calvin in a commanding manner. No- nothing is there sir, replies Ebenezer while stammering heavily. Before Ebenezer could say anything more, Kyle intervenes into the matter, who has been observing the whole incident from a little distance till now. Hey Ebenezer..!! How are you mate? Calvin, I know Ebenezer very well. He works for Bucky Martin, who is a well-known and respected name in the transport businessman community. This truck also belongs to him so there is no need for conducting any checks. Let this truck pass through from here.

Calvin immediately recognized this face as he had a short introduction, just this morning at Bucky’s office. He understood that Kyle is trying to disguise his fellow cop and is trying to protect Bucky’s assets from being ceased by the police. After getting a free hand from the cops, to pass through, Ebenezer’s close shave ends as he engages the truck’s engine into it’s 1st gear and drives off from the spot.

Not even a minute has been passed and Calvin & Kyle can see a group of bikers, well over the speed limit, approaching towards them. Calvin again takes the charge and signals them to stop at once. All 5 bikers do pull over the side of the road and one of the biker undoes his helmet. It’s none other than Jonny, the spoilt brat guitarist and son of a powerful political, the HRD Minister Mr. AS Anthony himself. Seemingly agitated Jonny speaks, how dare you stop me!! Do you have any idea who I am? I can have you stripped off your uniforms, just by making a small phone call.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you can do to me, but right now I am only performing my duty. You were well over the allowed speed limit and I am going to have to handover a ticket to you. And in addition to that I can’t let you go through this road as, at the moment, there is a lot of public movement here and you people pose a risk to them and to yourselves, says Calvin. Foreseeing yet another scene in the making, Kyle jumps into the conversation and asks. Who are you young man? To which Jonny responds promptly in anger and pride, who am I you ask? I am the only son of Mr. AS Anthony, also known as HRD Minister AS Anthony.

Oh my god..! Please pardon us sir, says Kyle in disarray. My friend and I did not know of your identity. Please sir, don’t make any complaints against us as we could end up loosing our jobs, as a result of it. You are welcome to proceed from here. Calvin is not in agreement with Kyle but gets superseded by him. Jonny and his gang laughs at the helplessness of these cops and proceeds from the spot on their respective super bikes.

End of Chapter 9

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