It has been a week since my last #FollowFriday, where I recommended some magickal steemians to follow. I said last week that this week I recommend some artists, however there has been an influx of new magickal steemians, and some that have been here a while, that I have decided to make TWO #FollowFriday posts!
First we have the very new @aikinjm, whose first and only post on steem so far is a tarot card reading that told them to pursue the path of the magician. I'm sure they will appreciate all your support.
Second we have @guyjames, who has also made only one post so far. But what a post it is! A manifesto of art and magick that draws inspiration from Rosa Luxemburg, situationism, Alan Moore, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung and Aleister Crowley. They throw down the guantlet challenging everyone to step outside their comfort zone and dare to create art and practise magick.
Then we have @realworld, a philosopher whose second post discusses a book by Helena Blavatsky they found.
The artist @reddust and I recently had a great discussion on Joseph Campbell, magic, meditation and Samsara after we both had made artwork inspired by the archetype of the Dragon Tree.
Another magical artist worth keeping an eye on is @rita-coleman. I've known her from facebook and elsewhere for a while now.
@solomonsservant is off to a good start, with two high quality magical essays inspired by the tarot cards 'The Fool' and 'The Magician'. The first of a series going through all the major arcana? Let us hope so!
@stefansoeffky and I have known each other online for years. They are still finding their feet, but have posted a couple of videos they made.
I invite all magickal steemians to join the new SteemMagick Discord chat server: https://discord.gg/Vbpwsk