My favorite Discord Bot

It might not be the most useful bot out there, but honestly even that could debated with no clear winner for hours. I believe it was @traciyork who brought this crazy little bot to my attention, and without much hesitation I asked him if he would come join our merry group of cray crays.

His name is Septapus

And if you are not understanding what the joke is here, that's because you have not counted it's tentacles. Did you count? I'm glad we got out of the way.

You see this little bot has a very special magical power than can turn ordinary weird conversations into magically weird conversations thus making sure that your description of how you found a scorpion inside your shoe, or how much you love chocolate cake is aided by its random sillyness.

The following conversations happend today on Helpie's Discord


A few innocent helpienauts did notice that my summoning of Septapus was a little heavy handed today and that is because my evil plans of making this post were coming to fruition. I suspect the characters it picks are completely at random, but for some reason @pechichemena is always a girl. Don't ask me why? That is just how Septa do.

I really enjoy the people who participate of our small community

Its funny to me how their unique personalities shine and I am able to get to know each one of them just by reading ASCII text on a screen. To somebody who has more salt than pepper on their beard this is probably not normal behavior, but I honestly don't care too much about what is or not normal these days.

@Hedac is a talented musician with a mind who hungers for knowledge, and I really appreciate the fact that he is not one to guard any secrets.He seems always willing to teach.

hedac is a natural teacher.png

@yidneth on the other hand is crazy and in the best way possible, its really easy to love her, not only for the art that she makes but for her supportive and loving nature.


We were discussing my favorite Cherokee songwriter @paintingangels . It was @yidneth who alerted me of her presence on Steemit and that is how I ended up kidnapping to the discord server, now she won't leave, but none of us want her to.

Maybe two weeks ago I invited the talented @nathankaye



He is always quick to throw some hilarious wrenches into the conversations. I keep on laughing while staring at a screen more than it seems rational at times, but there is no one here to judge, so who cares? right? Right? RIGHT?

Maybe you should invite little Septa here too...

Specially if you are part of a community of loving crazy people, it works as a defibrillator to revive chats that are in danger of going stale. It takes about 2 minutes to do depending on your internet connection and clicking abilities (it's really that simple) and I promise you won't regret it in the slightest.

Invite Septapus

Thank you helpies for being so cray cray

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