Another great show is behind us and it was exactly as I predicted, AMAZING, and a lot of FUN! Life things occupied some of our regulars to join us, but we had some new peeps in the show, which is always great to see!!! Also, I was happy to see that all people who came to the show were with us to the end, which means that my opinion about the show being amazing, isn't biased! 😃
As I mentioned in the announcement post we have continued our talk from the previous week about stepping out of the comfort zone... But, this time, we were talking about HIVE, our journey on HIVE, what did we learn new, how it helped us, etc.

Created in
Last time we had a record number of people coming in voice sharing their experiences, but this time we were close to that record! Seven participants decided to share the stage with me and it was awesome to see you guys, breaking the stagefright, and stepping out of your comfort zone! These two shows were exactly about that and you guys did it in live, breaking the "chains of comfort"!
As usual, I have decided to show by example, and I shared my first steps on HIVE and how that was already out of my comfort zone... I wasn't creating and sharing stuff on traditional social media networks, so HIVE was a huge step for me...

The first person who came in voice was @theringmaster, who was in the show for the first time, so he made a couple of steps out of his comfort zone! As he is relatively new on HIVE, he shared with us his first impressions of the platform and the people that he met here... Check out his profile page and see if you are interested in the content that he is creating and show him some love in the comment section! 🙏
It's always great to see some of the returning people in the show and we all like to see the Ecency OG, @beeber with us in the show! She was the second person in the mic, breaking her chains of coming on stage and talking in English! She shared her experience with HIVE and how different it was compared to other social networks, especially after going deeper, making new friends, and sharing personal things on the chain...
Exactly in the moments when @beeber finished her talk, @chocolatescorpi bumped into the show, with unmuted mic! 😂 It's live-streaming and anything can happen, so we welcomed her, presented the topic of the show and she took some time to think about it... Later in the show, she came back on the mic and shared which steps out of her comfort zone she did and how we are getting more open to sharing when we make friends who support us!

It was the second time that we had @relf87 in the #HHHLive show and he decided to come on the mic again! Thanks, buddy! Like many of us, he was struggling when he came to the HIVE as he didn't know anyone! It is hard to make friends and engage, but slowly by joining communities, it is possible... We also talked about different communities and how important is to get out of the "comfy community", join others too, and spread the word about it! 🙂
As @travoved missed the last show, he shared his biggest stepping out of his comfort zone when he had a meeting with the CEO of the world-famous bank on his business trip to Germany! Regarding his HIVE experience, he shared the struggle to create "selfie videos", which I 100% agree with... I had the same problem as him, it was a huge step for me too!!
Our *crypto-mom" @melinda010100 was the next to come on the mic... She shared how @good-karma pushed her "over the edge" and threw in the "Ecency fire"! It looks like she learned that method from GK and implemented it with some others in the Ecency community... 🙂 I know that she did it to me, but I'm truly grateful that she did it as that helped me to grow! ❤️
Just before the end of the show, @idea-make-rich came on the mic stepping out of his comfort zone... He did a small step in the previous show and came back this time again... We will see what will he prepare for us in the next one!

Don't forget to check out the show recording below!

I want to say that I have really enjoyed these last two shows as it was very inspiring listening to these stories from participants of the show! It was great to see some of you growing by stepping out of your comfort zone and if you need some help on your HIVE journey, you know where you can find it!
This time, we had 13 participants in the show! I was happy to see some new people in the audience! I hope that you liked the show and will come again! Thanks for participating, @riyat, @beeber, @chocolatescorpi, @duskobgd, @foxkoit, @idea-make-rich, @melinda010100, @palomap3, @relf87, @shaidon, @theringmaster, and @travoved! Thank you guys and girls for the awesome time!
Of course, the after-show was imminent and we had a great time talking about meetups and the upcoming HiveFest in September... The plans, the routes how to get there, and avoiding selling body parts to be able to buy plane tickets... 😂

Thank you, guys and girls, once again! As a sign of appreciation, I will send some LEN tokens to all participants of the live show! You can pair them with LENM tokens, add liquidity to the diesel pool, and earn rewards! If you want to learn more about the project behind it, check out the @liotes account or visit the Liotes website... Of course, if you are not interested in it, you can sell tokens on the Hive-Engine market...
To encourage more people to come on the mic, I have sent an additional 100 Ecency POINTS to people who shared their thoughts in voice with us (this time we had many participants in voice again! That was awesome to see!)! So POINTS are going to @theringmaster, @beeber, @relf87, @chocolatescorpi, @travoved, @melinda010100 and @idea-make-rich!
Special thanks goes to @melinda010100 and @good-karma for providing the space for the event!
Thank you for your time,
PS. If you have special ideas for the TOPIC in future shows, don't hesitate to suggest them in the comment section!!! Thanks!
If you would like to support me, the easiest way to do it is to follow my account and vote for Liotes Hive Witness!
Appreciate your consideration and support!
Check out these links to the previous shows:
First Excursions Out of the Comfort Zone .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.20
BuzzParty Impressions, Weekly Recap, Bonfire .:. Special (no recorded) Edition of Hive Humpday Hangout #4
Ways To Buy/Sell Hive! .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.19
Foods, Crypto Research, Education, Predictions .:. Special (no recorded) Edition of Hive Humpday Hangout #3
Best Tools For Content Creation .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.18
Consistency and Adding Value .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.17
After Show Show .:. Special (no recorded) Edition of Hive Humpday Hangout #2
CBRS Philanthropy Chat With @minigunner! .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.16
Profit Taking Planning .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.15
Ecency/Hive Chat With @good-karma! .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.14
Relaxed "Exclusive" Session .:. Special (no recorded) Edition of Hive Humpday Hangout
Writer's Block and How To Overcome It .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.13
Hive-Engine Tokens .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.12
Hive Guidelines for Newbies .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.11
NY Resolutions and Creating Hive Goals .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.10
How Was Your (HIVE) 2023? .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.09
Presenta tu comunidad - ES/EN Show! - Part 2 .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.08
Present Your Community - Part 1 .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.07
How to Start on Hive? .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.06
Do You Upvote Quality Posts? .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.05
Genuine? Authentic? To be or not to be? .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.04
Hive Power, HP Delegation, HivePUD... .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.03
Hive Meetups, HiveFest, HiveBeeCon .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.02
Pilot Episode (Aired 2023-10-18) - The Vision .:. Hive Humpday Hangout

👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈
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