First of all, if you are an English speaker, don't close this post immediately because of the title, but keep on reading... All the communities that were presented in this show accept bilingual publications, which means that you CAN publish your creations in them as long as you add Spanish translation to them! And, believe me, you will be astonished at how great are some of those communities! So, keep on reading, and don't forget to listen to the show too! There was an English translation and it was a lot of fun!
En primer lugar, si eres angloparlante, no cierres este post inmediatamente por el título, sigue leyendo... Todas las comunidades que se presentaron en este programa aceptan publicaciones bilingües, lo que significa que ¡PUEDES publicar tus creaciones en ellas siempre que les añadas la traducción al español! Y, créeme, ¡te asombrarás de lo geniales que son algunas de esas comunidades! Así que, sigue leyendo, ¡y no te olvides de escuchar el programa también! Hubo traducción al inglés y ¡fue muy divertido!

Created in
After clarifying that, I would just say... WHAT A BLAST WAS THIS SHOW!!! We had a record number attending the event and it looks like everyone had a lot of fun... So, in total, 28 people were in the audience during the show, while at the peak, we had 24 Hivians at the same time... To be honest, the number was more than the same during the show, which means that you guys enjoyed it! And how wouldn't you when we had some awesome people on the mic presenting their communities and projects?
Después de aclarar eso, solo diré.... ¡¡¡QUÉ PASADA FUE ESTE ESPECTÁCULO!!! Tuvimos un número récord de asistentes y parece que todo el mundo se lo pasó en grande... Así que, en total, 28 personas estuvieron entre el público durante el espectáculo, mientras que en el momento álgido, tuvimos a 24 hivianos al mismo tiempo... Para ser sincero, el número fue más de lo mismo durante el espectáculo, ¡lo que significa que lo disfrutasteis! ¿Y cómo no lo ibais a hacer si teníamos a gente increíble al micrófono presentando sus comunidades y proyectos?
Another important thing to say is that this show wouldn't be possible without the help of @palomap3, who was the co-host (I would say that she was running the show!) of this show and she did his job awesome! I was trying to catch as many things as possible from the people on the mic and translate them into English, but I have probably missed a lot (sorry about that)... This experience was new for both (Paloma and me), but we liked it!
Otra cosa importante que decir es que este programa no sería posible sin la ayuda de @palomap3, que fue la co-presentadora (¡yo diría que ella dirigía el programa!) de este programa e hizo su trabajo ¡impresionante! Intenté captar el mayor número posible de cosas de la gente al micrófono y traducirlas al inglés, pero probablemente me he perdido muchas (lo siento)... Esta experiencia era nueva para las dos (Paloma y yo), ¡pero nos gustó!

Without making too many spoilers, I will just list the names and links to the communities that were presented in the show...
Sin hacer demasiados spoilers, me limitaré a enumerar los nombres y enlaces a las comunidades que se presentaron en el programa...
- @yonnathang presented the project HispaPro (@hispapro)
- @angelica7 presented the project Talent Search (@talentos)
- @damarysvibra presented 2 communities: Be Entrepreneur (/created/hive-140971) and Holos&Lotus (/created/hive-131951)
- @manclar shared information about his favorite community, Hive NFTGame Latino (/created/hive-115120)
- @karelysk89 presented the community of @boeltermc, SkateHive (/created/hive-173115)
- @bulkathos presented the community, Geek Zone (/created/hive-106817)
The time was flying, and when we reached 1.5 hours it was time to say goodbye... There were other suggestions for presenting in the chat, but I suppose we will have to leave that for the next occasion!
El tiempo volaba, y cuando alcanzamos la hora y media llegó el momento de despedirse... Hubo otras sugerencias para presentar en el chat, ¡pero supongo que tendremos que dejarlo para la próxima ocasión!
Don't forget to check out the video! // No se olvide de ver el vídeo!

As 3Speak had/has big issues with their service, I have uploaded to LBRY too... So, if the video above doesn't work, check out the other one under this text!

In the end, I would like to thank everyone who took part in the show and made it so great! This time we had on the show: @alberto0607, @alicia2022, @angelica7, @boeltermc, @bulkathos, @damarysvibra, @felixxx, @foxkoit, @frankches, @germanandradeg, @incublus, @karelysk89, @kvinna, @manclar, @melinda010100, @mypathtofire, @palomap3, @pravesh0, @sacra97, @yonnathang, @emanueledornelas, @rosmiapure, @titovieira, @transtorn0, @duskobgd, @wanderingmoon, and @miguelreinierp2!!
In total, 28 people joined the fun (including myself)! Thanks, everyone!!!
Thank you guys and girls! As a sign of appreciation, I will send some LEN tokens to all participants of the live show! You can pair them with LENM tokens, add liquidity to the diesel pool, and earn rewards! If you want to learn more about the project behind it, check out the @liotes account or visit the Liotes website... Of course, if you are not interested in it, you can sell tokens on the Hive-Engine market...
To encourage more people to come on the mic, I have sent an additional 100 Ecency POINTS to people who shared their thoughts in voice with us (@yonnathang, @angelica7, @damarysvibra, @manclar, @karelysk89, and @bulkathos)!
Special thanks goes to @melinda010100 and @good-karma for providing the space for the event!
50% of the author's rewards for this post will go to @palomap3!
Thank you for your time,
PS. If you would like to be tagged in the next announcement posts for the show, please let me know in the comment section and I will add you to the list!
I have used a free version translator from

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