Yes! Logged into the One Bitcoin Club!!

Successfully, after numerous failed attempts and doing what I can, to resolve the issue. Patience has been rewarded! After reading @breakaway-dev's weekly (?) dev update post, I tried again.

Source: QT's post titled "Problem or Opportunity? MVP and Joining the One BTC Club"

Yes! Successful at last, 8 days after writing two posts to do my best to help isolate whatever the problems were preventing me for joining with an existing Hive account.

    • As requested, I am looking forward to reading about what exactly was done to resolve the problem I was experiencing.  A long-standing life lesson is to learn what you can, for the next time and avoiding future difficulties.


This is my first post, using the new One Bitcoin Club UI for publishing content. In it, I will provide some details which may be helpful to others interested in taking a look into it for themselves.

UX - User Experience

Here are URLs to the 4 key resources anyone interested in joining this new community currently has available, to get started:

  1. Create A Bitcoin Social Account:  Key word.  Create ...  Which is the route most seem to want to follow.  Now, however, I can happily report joining with an
    Hive account also works!

  2. One Bitcoin Club:  The UI for posting in this new community.  You log in with Hive Keychain.

  3. How to Set Up Xverse Ordinals Wallet:  YouTube on step-by-step instructions to set up an Xverse wallet (link embedded in #1), to hold your BTC.  Note: Ledger-backed is an option!

  4. V4V.App Wallet:  Wallet you will want to link to your One Bitcoin Club wallet, once you have successfully logged in.  You log in with Hive Keychain.

While not intended to be a step-by-step post for setting up your own One Bitcoin Club account, here is an outline of the steps to follow:

  1. It is assumed, to begin, you already have a Hive account, with all of your keys safe and secure, using the Hive Keychain app.

  2. Create an Xverse wallet account.  Transfer at least 5,000 Sats into it.

  3. Open and click on the "Existing Hive Account" link in the upper right of the screen.  Follow the steps to get your Xverse wallet linked to your Hive account.

  4. Open One Bitcoin Club's UI and log in with your Hive Keychain.

  5. Select your account icon, in the upper right of the screen, and click on Settings.  Ensure your wallet information looks correct.  Fill in your BTC Lightning Address.  Click "Update."

  6. Enjoy participating and earning Sats of BTC, as a member of this new community!

    • In this final step, the @btc4content and account wallets are the addresses on Hive through which all the current activity for this club appears to be passing.


Others have created videos illustrating these details.  I will also be happy to help and answer any questions you may have.

more Sats!

This topic will almost certainly be a common feature of future posts in this community.  Most of the time, we can anticipate they will be focused on earning more Sats as part of this community. Earned by interacting here on the Hive blockchain.

For today, outside the Hive blockchain, my contribution will be to point out one other option I have had experience with over several years.

Earn Sats
by staking
Stacks (STX)!

Just as most are aware of a number of L2 tokens on the Hive blockchain, Stacks is an L2 token on the Bitcoin blockchain.

While not intended to be a step-by-step post for setting up your own staking, here is an outline of the steps I followed:

  1. Set-up a new Leather wallet and transfer some STX into it.

  2. Link your wallet to the Planbetter app.  Stake your STX in their pool.  Current APR is 12.2%.

    Note: Planbetter is the one I have used for years. There are others, if you wish to research the different options.

  3. With the ongoing Sats you will now be earning, decide how many of them you want to transfer over into your Xverse wallet, for support of your membership in the One Bitcoin Club.


Others may know the answer to a question I asked myself, when joining this community:

"Is using the Xverse wallet our only option?"

As you can see, I already had a Leather wallet set up and it seems quite similar to Xverse, but ... In the interest of saving time and trouble, I elected to go ahead and just set up a new address. Not ideal.

  • Note 1:  If the Xverse wallet did not support a Ledger, that would have been the end of it for me. The Leather wallet is Ledger-backed.

  • Note 2:  While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you back your new Xverse wallet address with a hardware wallet, e.g. the Ledger.  Or similar.


And, of course, we cannot end this section without the obligatory reference:


for the community

Besides the one above and hoping I am not the only one with some of them, here are some additional questions I still have, in getting started:

  1. In Settings, I see this:

    Upon clicking the link, I see this:

    Are others seeing this?  Does anyone know what is supposed to go in these fields?  I would definitely prefer not to guess at it.

    Further, I don't understand why this is being requested in the first place. I have already signed a transaction to get my Xverse wallet linked to my Hive account earlier in the process of setting it all up.

  2. How exactly are Sats earned for participating in the community?  Presumably, a partial conversion of our upvotes somehow?

    No, I did not miss the fact that @btc4content is a mandatory 30% beneficiary of our posting rewards. Assuming that is part of the answer, how does it work at payout?

  3. Do earned Sats end up in our Xverse wallet?  Or our wallet?

  4. How are transactions back and forth between the Lightning addresses of the wallet and the Native Segwit addresses of our Xverse wallet handled?  Perhaps @brianoflondon can provide a link or something, which answers this?

  5. Initially, UI homepage had column headings, similar to the various levels (Dolphin, Orca, Whale, etc.) in Hive, e.g. 5,000 - 50,000 - 500,000, etc. Now they are gone. Is that temporary?

Hopefully, there will be some answers provided in the comments. Thanks, in advance, if you can provide them!


Perhaps this is already on the roadmap, but putting ?s on the UI, with answers made available for users clicking on them, would be a nice addition. Maybe @breakaway-dev could comment.

After my first two community posts, we end with nice progress now reported, on realizing the potential for this new community on the Hive blockchain.

Source: My original post titled "Problem or Opportunity? MVP and Joining the One BTC Club"

The original vision behind building this new community is steadily coming more sharply into focus!


When payout on this post is completed, I will likely have an update. Seeing it all work firsthand will certainly be helpful.

In the meantime, I will say again, if I can answer any questions or if you just have some comments, they are all welcome.

Best wishes, until we meet again,



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