#needleworkmonday First Monday of the Month | Live sit and chat and make in the Needlework Monday Discord


Hello Needleworkers!

How are you? Are you enjoying the last days of Summer or are you looking forward to Spring? In England, it is back to school time - the shops are full of families buying shoes, backpacks, lunch boxes, pencil cases and school uniforms.

With the new season, Needlework Monday is starting a new activity for needleworkers everywhere. On the first Monday of each month, we will be hosting a Live Chat from 7pm for an hour to sit and chat and make.

How Will It Work?

First of all, you will need to be a member of the Needlework Monday Discord. If you haven't joined already, this is the link: https://discord.gg/Ffy5pQSp5y. When you get there, you will be asked to write an introduction about yourself in the #introductions channel and then you will get access to all the other channels.

For October, we are going to try Zoom as our virtual meeting place for the Live Chat. The link will be in the #general channel of the Needlework Monday Discord.

The Live chat is a time when you can meet with other needle and fabric workers. It is an hour when you can sit down with a nice cup of something and your knitting or sewing, or crochet (or nothing, that is okay, too 😍) and listen and join in the chat.

I will be the host for October. During the Live chat, everyone will get a chance to meet everyone else. We will also talk about ideas for how we would like to use the Live Chat each month. It will be very friendly and informal, everyone is welcome 😍.

When Will Live Chat Take Place?

These are the dates and times that have been set up:

  • Monday 4 October 2021 7pm (BST)
  • Monday 1 November 2021 7pm (UTC)
  • Monday 6 December 2021 7pm (UTC)

Look forward to seeing you there!

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Saturday Savers Club
I run a savings club every Saturday over on the @eddie-earner account. We're aiming to save £670 ($800) by the end of the year using the 365 day savings challenge. You can join any time of the year and set your own goals and plans (some people are saving Hive, others Bitcoin, some their local currency). We share savings tips and there's a free giveaway every week.

Wednesday Wellbeing Club
I'm hosting a Wellbeing Club on Wednesdays from 11 August until 24 November 2021 in the Natural Medicine community. It's for anyone who wants to make a lifestyle change. We have a weekly check-in and share wellbeing tips, and a weekly giveaway. Here's the back story and the launch post with more information. Everyone is welcome.

First Monday - NeedleWorkMonday Community
Every First Monday of the month, I host a Live Chat for an hour from 7pm for the Needlework Monday Community. Bring your knitting, sewing, crochet (or nothing, that's okay, too), a nice cup of something, and join us for a relaxing hour of chat.

Three things newbies should do in their first week and, for most things, forever afterwards!


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