KE-Ratio as a guide

KE-Ratio as a guide

During the last couple of days we have made substantial progress on KE-Ratio and related data mining. Many thanks to @beaker007 and @slobberchops. We now have a tool to check and download data directly.

The first time I talked about KE ratio was in this post in last August.


Since then, we have come a long way! Major progress have been made last week. Please look up here and here. As a reminder, this is the way I describe KE-Ratio.

If I divide Author Rewards + Curation Rewards by Held HP, people who held more HP than they earn will have a fraction less than 1.0. Those who held less HP will have a fraction higher than 1.0. This is the Krampus Co-efficient! Or KE.

KE = (Author Rewards + Curation Rewards)/Held HP

The purpose of KE ratio is to look up hive account and try to estimate if the account is trying to invest in hive long-term. However, just like any numerical cut-off, it is neither perfect, not should be used blindly. One of the reasons I came up with this is to try and analyze how contest participants for Splinterlands behave as a hivian. However, if it is related to Splinterlands players, game assets must be taken into consideration. So I did. I first looked into SPS, but now we can look up any game assets thanks to @beaker007 's new tool. Below is the basic look at the table of 170 such participants who have received Splinterlands curation. The table is sorted by highest held HP to lowest held HP on a sample of 170 participants.


Top 30 HP


Bottom 30 HP

Please tell me what do you see? Let me help you:

  • Average KE for top 30 HP holders is 1.45. This is a good number. They are holding hive and investing in the hive ecosystem. Please notice their Splinterlands assets. I highlighted Total SPS (Staked SPS + Liquid SPS) and Collection Power (a measure of held cards). They are color coded, green is good, red is bad. Except 4 accounts, the correlation holds up!
  • Average KE for bottom 30 HP holders is 14.66! This is an order of magnitude higher number. They are the people I like to call EXTRACTORs. They are net negative to the hive ecosystem. Please notice their Splinterlands assets! None! There are NO Exceptions!

What now

I can do a variety of plots to prove this point over and over again. People can point out edge effects, borderline cases and which cut-off to use or not use, which other game data to use. All of that is fine and we can do that, but the point is if someone's KE is 2 and someone's KE is 20, there is a difference in their hive etiquette. And the difference is NOT in number but in long term investment mindset. That is what I am after with this analysis.

I am talking about an order of magnitude difference in a ratio. That is what I observe and demonstrated within the Top 30 and Bottom 30.

An average KE of 1.45 for the investors

An average KE of 14.6 for the extractors

Investors hold hive and game assets long term and should be treated as co-owners. Extractors are milking both ecosystems as a cash cow.

Now, who you vote and support is your choice. I can only show you the door, it is you who must walk through it.

For the extractors on the list, I request that you increase your HP and invest into yourself and the ecosystem.

  • Do better
  • Care more
  • Start now

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