Saturday Savers Club Finale: We Did It! | Saver of the Year Award | HP Challenge Winner | 2021 Round-Up

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Hello Everyone,

Happy New Year 2022! This year is going to be great!

Today we have a round-up of the year, with the winner of Guess @susie-saver's HP on 31 December and the final challenge for 2021 - your nominations for Saver of the Year 2021!

Hasn't it been good in 2021? Did you make your savings targets? And we had a lot of fun along the way. I've put together links to all the posts from 2021 below, so you can go back and check all the savings tips shared by members and remember the high spots. Mine has to be Jeff Bezos in Space, which happened the same week that El Salvador adopted Bitcoin as its national currency.

But we also had some fun with the no-buy month in September (I reckon some of the biggest savings were made then), not to mention Bitcoin Pizza Day in May and October Side-Gig month where members shared lots of knowledge and expertise.

I've just been watching crypto predictions for 2022 and it looks like we're in for a rollercoaster ride this year. It's a great time to be here and building your stake, it may be a little hair-raising at times, but hey, we're building a crypto buffer through the Saturday Saver Club, so we'll have some resilience for the inevitable turbulence!

So how did we do this year? Well, @susie-saver, the savings account for Saturday Savers Club, put away a tad over £670 ($890) in Hive and ended the year with 1215 HP, worth approximately $1,896 or £1,422 at 31 December 2021. The account also had 65 EDS and 5 EDSMS, worth about $175 or £130. Not a bad year's work! 🤑

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Guess @susie-saver's HP on 31 December: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

This was a close run thing with six Saturday Savers coming in very close range to the final result: @riandeuk at 1204, @ericburgoyne at 1206, @tokutaro22 at 1208 and @jfang003 at 1210 and just past the winning amount was @justclickindiva at 2020 - excellent predictions!

The winner was @lammbock with 1213.4 - how close is that???!!!
Congratulations @lammbock - check you wallet for some SPI goodness and thank you to everyone who took part!

Saver of the Year Award

Our last challenge for 2021 - for the chance to win EDS tokens, nominate your choice for Saver of the Year Award in the comments. We have some great candidates, with @justclickindiva joining us from the very beginning of the year, @bearmol joining us at Week 3 and @jfang003 and @ericburgoyne around week 7. We've also had regulars @riandeuk, @bashadow, @phoenixwren and @missaj, newcomers @tokutaro22 and @yeckingo1, and many, many visitors including @metzli, @chrisparis, @alexvan and @no-advice, @hetty-rowan, @erikah and @gillianpearce.

Here's the roll-call for the year:
@comandoyeya, @metzli, @justclickindiva, @crosheille, @dmilliz, @taskmaster4450, @hivebuzz, @cmplxty, @erikah, @chrisparis, @bearmol, @gillianpearce, @amr008, @deflacion, @bitandi, @zoe24, @stever82, @thegoliath, @skylinebuds-leo, @ericburgoyne, @jfang003, @monsterbuster, @kaseldz, @solymi, @alexvan, @eirik, @khan.dayyanz, @ayhamyou, @oldmans, @no-advice, @missaj, @knowhow92, @fruityfruitz, @dkid14, @preparedwombat, @riandeuk, @phoenixwren, @dagger212, @bashadow, @eythorphoto, @cwow2, @failingforwards, @clicmaster, @carmenm20, @hetty-rowan, @blezyn, @fabianar25, @lammbock, @dksart, @benthomaswwd, @tokutaro22, @yeckingo1, @mba2020, @williamtboy, @curatorcat.leo and @darmst5339.
Thank you for joining us in Saturday Savers Club in 2021 and look forward to seeing you this year. There will be a new post about the 2022 Saturday Savers Club in the next few days.

Big thanks to @ocd for support for the Saturday Savers Club

The first two Saturday Savers Club posts, way back in January 2021, benefited from big votes from @ocd and some other large accounts. We were able to use the HBD from those two posts to buy 104 EDS income tokens to give two away for comments every week throughout the year. Each week, everyone who commented went into the Wheel of Names, and every week, we had two lovely winners, bringing extra fun and engagement for everyone.

One of the delights of the Club has been the comments and the shared tips and support between members. The Saturday Savers Club post has consistently been in the top ten most commented posts in Leofinance for many, many weeks. This has value for Hive way beyond the members who are taking part: visitors and newcomers can see a friendly place with lots of interaction, sharing and fun. Thanks everyone.

Here are all the posts and their topics:

1Saturday 2 January - Launch: start small, start today1942640.74
2Saturday 9 January - set a goal for your savings1521318.14
3Saturday 16 January - keep track of your expenses82151.94
4Saturday 23 January - have separate accounts for different things5392.11
5Saturday 30 January - just keep going9365.46
6Saturday 6 February - wait 24 hours before making a big expense8426.95
7Saturday 13 February - make your savings work for you86336.33
8Saturday 20 February - active and passive incomes40320.91
9Saturday 27 February - investing in passive income64355.77
10Saturday 6 March - know your attitude to risk101515.34
11Saturday 13 March - ask yourself if you need it before you buy it48686.28
12Saturday 20 March - never go shopping with an empty tummy65463.43
13Saturday 27 March - have a practical budget656911.76
14Saturday 3 April - 100 days of savings backwards77877.80
15Saturday 10 April - different ways to use the savings tracker56534.95
16Saturday 17 April - it's time in the market, not timing the market69655.86
17Saturday 24 April - track your spending challenge86397.48
18Saturday 1 May - check your bank balance every day46503.15
19Saturday 8 May - automate your savings41494.03
20Saturday 15 May - check your household bills and shop around87687.94
21Saturday 22 May - Bitcoin Pizza Day Challenge and make a list80416.25
22Saturday 29 May - building an emergency fund67384.30
23Saturday 5 June - tips and tricks for food budgeting and spending1215812.06
24Saturday 12 June - Jeff Bezos in Space and the 50:30:20 budget79674.25
25Saturday 19 June Scouts learn savings and Bitcoin67683.02
26Saturday 26 June - save the savings102504.56
27Saturday 3 July - what's your relationship to money?131364.19
28Saturday 10 July - Make Do or Do Without Week and minnow challenge128386.43
29Saturday 17 July - housekeeping savings tips142294.88
30Saturday 24 July - extra housekeeping savings tips816311.26
31Saturday 31 July - Lost your savings mojo?137473.91
32Saturday 7 August - Check your Hive-Engine wallet for hidden gems963817.18
33Saturday 14 August - Autumn Challenge - save $100 in 20 weeks114398.26
34Saturday 21 August - How about a no-buy month?88368.50
35Saturday 28 August - Setting up a no-buy month ftw!103803.74
36Saturday 4 September - September no-buy: favourite no-buy recipe1155619.53
37Saturday 11 September - September no-buy: no-cost leisure activities62575.58
38Saturday 18 September - September no-buy: alternatives to shopping89514.63
39Saturday 25 September - September no-buy: what worked?75457.13
40Saturday 2 October October Side-Gig - selling things913412.89
41Saturday 9 October October Side-Gig - selling skills60236.85
42Saturday 16 October - October Side-Gig - selling time1863216.71
43Saturday 23 October - October Side-Gig - teaching and tutoring993510.39
44Saturday 30 October - October Side-Gig - final ideas round-up803811.08
45Saturday 6 November - remember: just keep on going86234.95
46Saturday 13 November - Festive Savings giveaway903012.21
47Saturday 20 November - Black Friday giveaway1145227.10
48Saturday 27 November - Festive savings tips983923.65
49Saturday 4 December - Saturday Savers promo1544533.25
50Saturday 11 December - Saturday Savers promo1767331.25
51Saturday 18 December - Saturday Savers promo1295133.18
52Saturday 25 December - Autumn Challenge payout yay!1234322.11


@eddie-earner content contributed by @silverstackeruk and @shanibeer.
Today's post by @shanibeer writing as @susie-saver.
Many thanks to @raj808 for the banner design 🙂

EDS, @eddie-earner's income token, and EDSMs are part of the SPInvest family including SPI (@spinvest), LBI (@lbi-token), CUBLIFE (@lbi-token) and the @spinvest-leo account. SPInvest Family Motto: Get Rich Slowly.

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